what is your profession? | Arthritis Information


I am just wondering what everyone does for a living?
I am an ex dietician turned teacher turned housewife.
You all seem very clever....!
Special Ed teacher here...as long as I am able to work and i hope that is until retirement...only 20 more years!well i'm a vet tec assistentI am a Registered Nurse and I am not working at this tme. I wish I was. Maybe someday,again.I am a hairdresser same job for 15 yrs same proffesion for 25 yrs I was just put on disability I have not worked in 7 mnths I have been told I will never be able to work as a hairdresser again  and mabey someday i can go to work as something....................TERESAMiddle School Science Teacher. I can retire with full benefits in the year
But there is always early retirement!

Becky that's my plan...full pension in 2032, but i will consider 2025 and partial pension if i have to...where are you teaching?

My husband teaches middle school science. This is my 8th year of teaching. how about you?

Retired middle school teacher. I teach adult education now 15 hours a week. I retired four years early (completed 24 years) with full pension and health insurance benefits as we are able to purchase non-service credits.

Medical transcriptionist (working from home) for the last 8 years...which means I know just enough to be dangerous

Honestly, though, it's been great to learn so much, especially when it helps with my health problems that are starting. 

Oh yeah, and full-time mom to 3 boys, ages 10, 5, and 3.

 I loved waitressing! I waitressed part-time even while teaching. I hated it when my disease got to the point that I could not wait tables anymore. I loved my customers and the people that I worked with.




Leslie how long did you go before you had to stop working?  I get through the day with the help of my pain pills but I cant go like that forever.  I am a single mom of 2 and everybody is telling me to go on disability but I just started remicade so hopefully it will work. I love my job and the people I work with.  Take care


I'm a retired proposal manager.



I'm a lot of things, started out as a secretary way back when companies still used secretaries, but then became very involved in computers and was a computer department manager for 15 years until I retired from that job about a year ago.  I've also done both medical and legal tape transcription, as a couple of responders here mentioned.  Now I'm working part time for an accounting firm and they are teaching me bookkeeping!  Guess you're never too old to learn something new!

I love working and unless my health really deteriorates, I guess I'll work until I drop!


My actual title is "Personal Assistant/Office Manager" but my boss still likes to refer to me as his secretary....and that's pretty much what it is; except I do alot more than take phone messages.

Carolean; companies still have secretaries...they just give them fancier titles and expect far more of them than they use to.



I taught for 11 years with RA, but after three years I had to stop the part-time waitressing (the first three years of RA).  I stopped teaching in 1995 for a year and was a  hostess /bartender during that time at the same place that I waited tables. It was was easier on my joints than waiting tables. No heavy lifting and not as much running.   

Teaching was really tough the last four years as my feet, ankles, and wrists were giving me fits. I was determined to make it to retirement as my ortho surgeon told me I would never get disability due to several  different factors.

I hope that the Remicade will help you to continue to be able to work. I have too much damage now to wait tables, but often tell my husband I would love waitress again.

I am going to take a real estate course in January. Several companies have told me they would like to have me in their office so I figured why not give it a try!



I am a Middle School Math teacher. 15 years now. Greatest job in the world!!

Becky(rockkyd) what state do you teach in?


I am a makeup artist and up until 2 years ago, worked at a cosmetic counter for almost 10 years. A lot of standing!
Now, I have a small business of my own doing bridal makeovers. I love my job now. It gives me flexibility and good hours and the pay is not bad too...:)

Since you were a dietician, maybe you can give me some good advice. A couple of years before I had RA, I went on my own diet plan and lost almost 25 lbs. Since my wedding 2 years ago and being on 20mg of prednisone, I have gained 35 lbs and hate the way I look. But then again, I am much less active now. Any suggestions?

Do you think I can go on a successful diet while on prednisone???



I am a computer programmer.  had to take some time of with PA, now struggling to get back into it, and struggling even more to do a 40 hour week.  My RD thinks i could get disability BUT i am an imigrant, only been here 10 years, am aged 42 and disability payments are not even close to what i need to feed my family.

The sooner we have voice activation so i can stop using the freaking mouse the better


 I am curious and hope you do not mind my asking..... How many years do you have to put in before you can retire with full benefits  in your state? I noticed you put the year 2042 as your retirement year.


I was a teacher. When we were first married I was a waitress. I LOVED waiting table..when our kids were little, I ran day care from my home. When the girls got into school, I was a teacher's aide for a year, then worked at a newspaper.  When all 3 kids were in school, I finished college and got my teachers certificate.

I was a substitute teacher for a couple years.. then I ran a program for teens in foster care (combination teaching and social work)Thennnn I was a substitute teacher for a little over a year until I got sick with heart failure.  I haven't worked in 3  years now.

I'm certified to teach special ed k-12, elementary ed k-6 and I am a reading specialist.

I'm a RN for a gastroenterology/ambulatory surgery center.  I prefer to give than receive medical care!i'm a stay home mom of 4 children.  10, 7, 4, and 3yrs old. i help out at the school also and i love it.lisa38690.0346875I am a dsd receiver.  I work with vendors bringing in merchandise to my sotre, I also handle damaged goods, work with a forklift, electric palletjack and a high low.   I am on my feet all day, I am responsible for making sure the vendors fill their areas properly, making sure costs gel,and that they are keeping everything inorder on the floor and in my backroom. I am responsible for the back area of the store outside, I take merchandise out of trucks with the forklift if they can't unload in one of my bays.  My hours are from 5am to 2pm.  It can be demanding , but I love it.  meme


I am a Licensed Practical Nurse. I work midnight shift in a nursing home. Opening and closing chart ring binders is hard for me to do as the RA seems worse in my hands. So far I am able to perform my duties adequately. I pray I can continue as I am my own sole support. Retirement is only a beautiful dream.


Hi all,

Dir. of Information Technologies.

Just curious Merry, what led you to disability? What steps did you take?


I'm essentially an HR Systems & Process Design Analyst with a background in recruiting and applicant tracking system implementation.  I work for a wireless company.  :)  "We sell cell phones."

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