OT:Food allergies | Arthritis Information


I know there are several folks here that have allergies to many things.  I'd kind of like to know one thing.  If I were allergic to, say milk for example, then wouldn't I react the same way with all products containing milk?  (cheeses, etc.) 

Depends on what part you were allergic to - like caseins (spelling) so maybe all food with that in it.
And you can have a food allergy that is delayed - like when I was a kid my docs told my parents I was allergic to chocolate and eggs.  I eat them all the time now - however - if the leaky gut people are to be believed, then my GI tract is always irritated from the consumption of slightly allergic foods and that helps the onset of these diseases. 
Question - do you have red bumps on the back of your upper arms?
No, no bumps at all.   No rash, no nothing other than terrible post nasal drip and an upset stomach.  Shakes in my arms and legs but this has GOT to be from prednisone as the muscles are terribly weak from no use in months.  That's weird about the allergy thing as a kid and now.  I've never in my life been know to be sensitive to any foods, now pets and other stuff, yes.  I just find it kind of odd that this could develop now.
By the way PIP, does the melatonin help you sleep?  I usually take a benadryl to sleep but am going to be allergy tested next week and can't take them for 5 to 7 days
bob_h762009-01-18 20:12:32I have a soy allergy and it causes post nasal drip for me.For me I get a belly ache if I eat bananas or pineapple. I mean bad! I don't know if that means I'm allergic or they just don't agree with me.  the red bumps, Pip!, aren't they a vitamin deficiency??

I get a sunburn looking rash on my neck and chest and sometimes run a fever if I drink beer. I don't drink it now. Not worth the 12 hours of discomfort. Wine is ok, in moderation of course.

At least 3 docs I've seen over the years all told me that the red (not acne) bumps on the back of my upper arms (from elbow to underarm) are food allergies.  2 said it just in passing like 'oh, you have allergies".  I was like 'no I don't' and they were like, 'yes, you do'.  Hubby was told the same thing - he has them.   So does our daughter and she never got solid food until she was 6 months old in an effort to give her gastro tract time to age so she wouldn't develop them. 

Bob - if you're feeling experimental - look up 'delayed onset allergy testing'.  See if your doc will do them.  I'm going to get them - split sampled like KarinRA - to see what I'm really allergic to.  It's controversial in the Allergy field - but what the heck - I'm a controversial kind of gal.  LOL


Wantto - the pineapple could be the bromelain in it - it's an antiinflam but...ya gotta get worse before you get better.  Banana's are high in magnesium and potassium....don't know why it effects you that way.

I'll look that up PIP.  You do walk a different path regarding health and treatments, but that's not a bad thing at all.  I feel that going the natural way is the best too when you can.

I just think that if we can figure out what we're really allergic to (not discomfort and not 'don't like') then we can remove that from our diet for a year or two and let our GI tract heal.  In theory, we will then, slowly, be able to add the food back in, and not react to it any more.  That's the basis for leaky gut anyway.
PS - look up 'leaky gut' sometime or look in Pubmed.  Lots of research saying it's the allergy to something (see not EVERYTHING is myco's) that allows us to get sick.

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