ORENCIA | Arthritis Information


Hi ,

I started on ORENCIA last Friday , is anyone on this or has any answers as to how long it takes to start working ?  side affects so far is headache not bad .
Please give anyinformation  you may have .
RA Since 1996
Meds Orencia, Methox, Folic Acid, prednisone
Hey, I just started Orencia this past Tuesday.  I felt great on Tuesday but then Wedensday had a headache, sore throat, stiff neck and was very nauseaus (?) Went back to the doc and he thinks it may be the flu.  Does not feel flu like and if it is, bad timing.  I get another infusion next Monday so we shall see.  I am glad to see other people have been taking it and have no side effects.  Makes me think maybe it is bad timing flu or something!!!  Thanks for the info and I hope everyone has a pain free day!!! Jules
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