New RA Drug?? | Arthritis Information


Just thought I would pass info on after reading Time magazine today. A drug called Sativex has been used in a controlled trial, a very small one at this time, in the UK.  The article said that it seems to suppress the disease and lessens the pain.  The full article can be read on the net  - I typed in Sativex and the whole study from the UK under the heading UK Pharmaceutical can be found.  Any new drugs I am sure are of interest to us all.   Thanks. Gill


If you live in the United States, It's doubtful that you will ever have the opportunity to use this new drug...It's Cannabis in nature and the United States, has labeled anything dealing with the use of Cannabis or distribution of it, as a BIG NO NO, even for medical use. 

Here is a few informational links about Sativex. releases/currentpress/2005-11-09/

To bad we will never be able to use it.  Sounds like it may have been a pretty enjoyable drug to use



Could you just see us all in a room having the treatment.....LOL


You'll all have to spend some vacation time in Canada if the drug is approved here!!!!    GillCome to South Africa - the stuff grows in our gardens.......! is it legal in california for medical purposes?  arent some people allowed to have the real stuff in their posession in cali provided they have a prescription and note from the dr stating so?  i thought it was ok there.


I am SO... you all.

I lived in Cali and there is no way in Hades, I will ever move back there...not even for a thrill.... Those earthquakes, even the small ones, are enough to make a grown woman  --- her pants.

Now South Africa.  I think I could do that...nothing better than having Cockle bells, Petunias and Marijuana in the same flower bed and not have to spend time as a guest in the states or government correctional institute.

As for all of us in a treatment room at the same time, having a Sativex Treatment...well...I'am a-thinking that a good time would have been had by all....

CANADA...Here I come...I

OK, Now that I have opened up my mouth and given everyone a glimpse into my inner ID...I think I will type my last thought on this.


They do. California and 10 other states do allow Marijuana use for certain medical needs but if I remember correctly, Congress had it revised to read  "If a Doctor is caught giving out a RX for Marijuana, he/she can be heavily fined, possibly loosing his/her license to practice.  So now how do they get their Medical grade Marijuana?  If I was a doctor, I would not be writing any more Rx's for it.   Leave it to the government, they think they know what's best for us.

I would really like to know the whole story on this...Does anyone have any information on this?

Take care of yourselves.



waddles38690.9418402778I'm not sure how politically correct my reasoning might be, but I for one
would much rather partake of marijuan than pain pills. Pain pills are
tough on a liver already taxed by Methotrexate, Enbrel, meds for stomach
inflamation, etc. etc.

It can't be as toxic as some of the meds we currently have to take for

I am sorry for any one with a chronic condition such as ours that we don't
have all options available.

In Cali it's legal for meds, there are particular places to get it, and in some counties you can grow it yourself if you have a medical license.  It became an issue in our town because one person who was growing it single-handedly raised the crime rate - people kept trying to break into his garden and steal it.  But then, our town had a lot of people that were so-inclined anyhow.

I'd like to see some of the medical uses of cannabis legalized, particularly the non-smoking varieties.  I can't imagine ever smoking anything for my meds, yech!
