Teenagers with PA | Arthritis Information


My name is Claire and I've had PA since I was 14. It's not technically a confirmed diagnosis yet, since the infamous rash has yet to manifest, but all the symptoms and tests point this way, so . . . yes.

I was wondering if there are any other teenagers with this particular arthritis, since I hear it is so unusual at my age.
So I'm the only one then? I had these kinds of symptoms when I was around the late 19-20s but had many mri's, xrays, etc in between to finally come to this conclusion.  For ages they threw this whole pinched nerve thing at me with lots of NSAIDs and Muscle relaxers and never understood why nothing was working.  4 and a half years later, finaly got the real answer and something to enable me to run again :).  It is rare, but a possibility none the less and if the other answers so far have been wrong then any option is better than no option I'd say Hi!  I was diagnosed at age 15, so I understand what you're going through!  I'm .. well... a little older than that now (ok.. I'm 29!), but I remember those days so vividly!  My life truly changed in the matter of one school year!  If you ever need to talk, vent, ask questions, I'm here!! :)I'm so glad I found this forum!

From what I've read and how small this thread is compared to the size of the forum, most people are a lot older. Oh well. I'm 19 and I've been dealing with "mystery arthritis" for 4 years now in my knees and it's recently spread to my elbow. Since I don't have the rash doctors have only just decided I have Psoriatic Arthritis so I'm doing as much internet research as I can!

I get so many weird looks from people when I tell them I can't do this or that because I have arthritis. It kind of sucks having to explain how I ended up with an "old woman's" body so early. Plus, I love and adore ballet and arthritis truly does not make it any easier.
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