pain medication | Arthritis Information


I know I don't have an "official diagnosis" yet,  my rhemotologist said so far my hand and wrist xrays are highly suspicious for RA.   My question, what do you use for pain everyday or for bad days?  Is it usual to take narcotics for RA or will I more than likely be on just the Voltaren?    I take pain meds anyhow for my failed back surgery and for nerve damage in my leg.   I also was put on Voltaren (sp) anti-immflamatory and its helping alot.   The hope was the nerve pain and back pain would improve and therefore the need for the pain meds would decline, however this does not seem to be the case and now with the all the joint pain as well.  



I never liked Narcotics much but from time to time I take a Flexeril muscle relaxer. If 1 take the 10mg i'm sleeping quickly. I take 800 mg Ibuprofens also. Of course PrednisoneHi Tinks, I found over the years pred was the absolute best for the pain but we all know that it is not meant to be long term, although after 10 years I am still on it, can't get out of bed without it, so to me it is a miracle drug.  However I try to take the smallest amount possible to stave off terrible flares, currently 10mg, this however is not enough for pain relief, bear in mind I have OA and OP, FM also, so I am on 40mg a day of Oxycontin, (Vicodin), and 4-6 x 50mg per day of Tramal, and panamax when needed.  I feel this is stil not enough, but my poor Drs don't have any other options, I have tried pain patches and all sorts, allergy or intolerances to nearly all Dmards, antibiotics and painkillers.  I wish you all the best in getting the disease under control as this is the best pain relief of all.  Regards Janie. Hi Lori.  Since you mention nerve pain, are you on or have you considered Lyrica?  I have found it to be very helpful.  In addition to that, I'm on an NSAID (Relafen) and a muscle relaxant (Skelaxin) but for strictly pain, I am currently taking Vicodin HP.  I started with lower concentrations of Vicodin, switched to Ultracet/Tramadol for awhile (but found it didn't do enough) and now am back to the higher Vicodin.  For awhile I was even taking Dilaudid, but found it wasn't a big improvement over the Vicodin HP, so figured best to go down to the lower drug.celebrex and Hydrocodn is what I use for the pain. I hope you get answers from you Doctor soon. Take care of yoursel,

When needed, I use Relafen (anti-inflammatory) and Lortab.  However, I agree with Janiefx that prednisone is the best drug for pain.

I have Lortab and a TENS unit for pain.  i take vicoden, muscle relaxers, and relafen. Sometimes nothing helps. *(I also have a heating pad and a chair throw size electric blanket). Also dr prescribed voltaren gel and it really helps me.
take care
I switch between tramadol and vicodin if I need something.  First I'll try my tens unit or heat or ice though as I'd rather not take another pill.  Another thing I try to do is not focus on my pain.  There are times I have no choice cause it's strong, but sometimes I can lay down, close my eyes, listen to my ocean waves or go to the beach or read a book, talk to a friend, etc.  If you can get your mind off of your pain, you'll feel better.Thanks again for the answers.   I am finding that the Voltaren is helping somewhat with the joint pain. 
 When I have a horrific migraine  (I have had those for over 17 years) and my usual rescue mediaction is not working (Maxalt)   my husband will give me a shot (im) of Toradol and that stuff works very well.  Its my understanding though that it has some serious side effects if you use it long term.  
I am familiar with some of the other medications some of you talked about in your posts.   I currently take Avinza and Roxicodone for breakthrough pain. The Lidoderm patch offers some relief too.  My rhemotologist offered me predlisone but I wasn't sure about it, she said to call her if I changed my mind.  I did, I called but the nurse did not phone it in.  I don't know if I should call back or not.   I throughly explained the whole thing to her on the phone,  I suppose I will call back this morning, afterall its my duty to make sure I get the help I need.   Its good to know that the predlisone helps.  Again, thanks for the support, I appreciate it so much.  
btw tink  your pictures  of tinkerbell  are sooo cute   Hi Lori

I'm a fan of the norco, but I also have OA.
I'm also a migraine sufferer and I was once on maxalt. When it stopped working for me, I switched to relpax. Relpax works well but you have to catch your migraine while its still a 3 or 4 (on the pain scale). My doctor gave me zomig as a nasal spray to try, and I have to say I LOVE it! It knocks out the migraines 2x as fast, even the ones that hit like a freight train. You might want to ask your neurologist about it. I don't know about you but narcotics don't even touch my migraines...
Good luck. I'm sorry about your pain, but I know how you feel, if that helps at all.

LeilaHi Lori, I take Relpax for migrains when needed have to catch your migrain early, or it doesn't work.

Hello all!  Quick update,  I called the doctors office and they said they phoned in my rx for predlisone.   I dont know if it was mess up with the doctors office or the pharmacy but the good news is I got my script and it seems to be helping a little bit already.  Is predlisone known to act fairly quickly? 

I am sleeping some, not a full night,  I am just hurting too much, but I do fall asleep during the day because I am just so tired, so all in all I would say I am sleeping enough.   I went through a really long (1.5 hour) MRI ordeal on Thursday and I have to go back Monday morning so they can do the other side.  I will so glad when that is over with.  I also had xrays of my knees done too.   I am going to ask for xrays of my feet and elbows too since they are very painful spots as well.   I began running a low grade (100.2) fever.  Not sure if this RA specific or not?  I am totally frustrated with my rhemy at this point I want answers and she is not offering much.  I wanted more indepth answers as to what was on my hand and wrist xrays that led us to the MRI's but all I got was "highly suspicious".  I am the kind of patients that is not satified with answers like that and if this is RA and I will need medication I will have LOTS of questions and will expect answers that I can understand.   I understand and appreciate her reluctance to diagnosis until she gets the other xrays and MRI's done but it would have been nice to know what made her cautious about the first xray, she said it was abnormal, what does that mean?  anyhow,  maybe next visit she will be more willing to answer some questions, if not it will be time for me to take my scans, xrays, etc and find a new doctor. 

Thanks for your posts,  appreciate it. 
.   I have found that for the super bad ones (usually these are ones I wake up with and had zero opportunity to catch them early)  I use Toradol Im shots, it seems to help alot, either alone or with another migraine medication.   Have you ever needed home health care for migraines or hospital stays?   My doctor has ordered home health about four times I think, he was going to admit me because I had a round of home health and it did not work but we both decided to try two more days worth and change the meds in the iv and it worked!   When I have home health they usually use Benadryl, Toradol, Zofran, and either Magnesium, or a steriod.  
Migraines are zero fun..... 
