OT..MRSA Infections Spreading to Kids in Community | Arthritis Information


Antibiotic-resistant infections around the head and neck are on the rise among American children, a new report indicates.

The finding suggests that tougher strains of the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus -- referred to as MRSA because of their resistance to the antibiotic methicillin -- are moving beyond the traditional confines of hospitals and into the community at large.

"We certainly found that the emergence of resistant staph head and neck infections in pediatric settings is on the rise," said study co-author Dr. Steven E. Sobol, director of the department of pediatric otolaryngology at the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta.

Sobol and his colleagues reported the findings in the January issue of the Archives of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery.

The building threat to children compounds a trend toward more community-based MRSA infections previously observed among prison, nursing home, and chronically ill patient populations, the researchers noted.

In the latest study, the authors reviewed data concerning pediatric infections that had been collected between 2001 and 2006 in a national database that amasses anti-microbial drug resistance test results from labs working for more than 300 hospitals across the country.

The research team found that of the more than 21,000 infections that had occurred among children during the study period, almost 22 percent were resistant to the antibiotic methicillin. Overall, MRSA head and neck infection rates had more than doubled, from about 12 percent to just over 28 percent.

About one-third of MRSA infections affected the ears, while about 28 percent impacted the nasal and sinus regions. Head and neck MRSA infections accounted for about 14 percent of the total.

There are a large number of children that lack health insurance and access to health care, and as people lose jobs and insurance coverage, that number will grow. 

Legislation to increase funding to the State Children's Health Insurance Program has passed the House of Representatives and expected to pass the Senate.  Support of this bill is necessary not only to ensure and protect the health of uninsured children, but also the health of other children and adults they may come in contact with.

I'm on autoimmunesuppressants, I want to live amidst a population whose health is not compromised by inadequate health care or lack of access to affordable care.
Me too, Joie.  We should go a step further by saying those children diagnosed with a condition that needs long term treatment, any AI, asthma, diabetes and so on, should not be denied health care due to a pre-existing condition.
Lynn, This article should scare the hell outta us.   As an aside, a friend with Chrone's  picked up MRSA on a hospital stay.  She later needed a minor out-patient surgery in another facility.  When she was reciting her history to the nurse in pre-op, she mentioned the MRSA.  They refused treatment and sent her home. Waddie,
My husband had c-diff several years ago after a course of antibiotics.  He absolutely refuses to take antibiotics now.  Thankfully he's a very healthy, active man...This kind of thing scares the living daylights out of me too
It is really scary. In NY, they offer free health insurance to children. Pres Bush vetod a national plan for children. Hopefully the new admin will reinstate that offer.

You right Waddie, any child with a chronic disease should get treatment. Of course, parents really push for antibiotics, which doesn't help matters.Lynn-
Maybe it was the food he ate.  Remember, it's really just coincidence when it comes to antibiotics!
Bush vetoed the increase to funding SCHIPS -- twice; even Iowa's Republican Chuck Grassley was critical of Bush's vetoes.

This particlar stain will nest in the organs. very hard to treat and overruse of antibotics do play a part.Amazingly - so do CWD bacteria!  The antibiotics help to control some of the effects of these bad bugs.  If you want abx out of the food chain - vote to get it out of animal husbandry.
dont eat much meat ...but if I do it's ORGANIC
dont drink the tap water, use filtered
I am proactive in trying to keep the junk out of my systemMy youngest daughter was a preemie and picked mrsa during her stay in the nicu. I caught it from her, not realizing that the bumpy rash on her scalp was mrsa. This was before I was on immunosuppressants. Once we knew what was going on, the rest of the family was able to avoid getting it by not touching the infected area and practicing good hand washing. However, my daughter and I have both had several rounds of it. My understanding is that once it makes its home in you, its very hard to get rid of.
I don't happen to live in an area where it is very prevalent, but my pediatrician tells me that in some populations they treat EVERY skin infection as if it is mrsa, because most often it is.
scary stuff

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