Shelly - hand pain | Arthritis Information


Ummmm... those sound like heaven!


Thanks for saving me. I was trying to respond to everybody's comment and got stuck over there in no man's land. LOL!
No, I haven't tried those.  They sound familiar.  I do have the parafin bath thingy but that is messy to me.  I like your mittens better.
but yeah, regardless of what strong medication I take or on the hands never stop hurting it is a constant relentless burning pain. the inflammation not so visible but you can tell it is hard at work destroying my joints.  the fingers all lean to one side now. big difference from last year. I will definitely look for them online.
Thanks so much for thinking of me and my knarly fingers.:)
Shelly632009-01-21 15:03:13Wow- I have to look those up! How long is the cord? I wish they had a cordless model. Website anyone?  Thanks! They sounds divine. Thanks for the website SnowOwl!Thanks snowowl, I have an electric heat pad I use for my spine and knee sand it is sheepskin covered and sounds very similar, I really appreciate  the info as my hands are always hurting and wrists, and feet.  My hubby reckons I should ask if they have whole body ones!!!!!  HUgs Janie.