Introduction | Arthritis Information


Hello All,

I missed this forum when I registered, yesterday. I'm 40, work in the telecommunications software industry and was diagnosed with RA last Tuesday.
I had been getting pain and swelling in my hands that then migrated to my shoulders and knees. My family dr took some blood and found that my RA factor was at 174. He mentioned that for my age, height and weight it should normally be a 14. So he referred me to a Rheumy here in the Overland Park, KS area.
The Rheumy did a pretty thorough exam and took a lot of blood. He wasn't sure if I had RA, at the time, or something else. Last Tuesday, I went in to see him for a follow up and he confirmed the RA from his exam and the various blood tests.
I have 4 relatively small children (11, 8, 6 and 4 years old), so I jumped on taking my meds, right away. I'm currently on Naproxen, Hydroxychloroquin (plaquinil), and sulfasalazine.
All the best to you and thanks for setting these forums up.
Welcome. Ton of info here !!