Tylenol PM | Arthritis Information


I have seen a lot of people suggest Tylenol PM for sleep. Actually if you just take some Benedryl it works the same. Benedryl ( Diphenhydramine) is the ingredient in Tylenol PM and most other OTC sleep aids. Save some money and just buy the generic Benedryl.


If I take even a pedi dose of Benedryl I will sleep and sleep and sleep--something about it really dopes me up.NyQuil works for me and no brain fuzz in the morning. Yep--I forgot about good ole' NyQuil!!I have a question.  I have a hard time sleeping through the night because I have to get up to go to the bathroom in the night like 3-4 times, which isn't normal for me.  It is my most painful time.  Does this happen to any of you?

I also feel that the sleeping aids make me feel more stiff and miserable for not moving in the night. 

Any thoughts or insights? 
Melatonin works for me.  Without any side effects.  It is inexpensive also.  Good luck wandasueBe careful with the melatonin. I took it every night for a year. It has a nice natural way of easing you into sleep with no morning side effects and it is also a great antioxidant but if you have any signs of depression or if it runs in your family you will want to stay away from this. This stuff after a period can trigger depression or make it more severe. I'm sure this is not the case for everyone but just wanted to throw a friendly warning out there.
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