OT: White House Health Policies and Reform | Arthritis Information



have you all read this??
as a matter of fact, I read it earlier this morning...  considering it's been there a few short days... I doubt many have.
your point?
No point Babs....just so that those who havent seen it can take a look and keep fingers crossed.
I apologize, Lyndee... I was feeling defensive due to other posters...  Not intentional.Hi L, also read this morning and am hopeful they'll be some changes, specifically for the unemployeed - at least to start.  LindyLyndee,

Thanks for posting the link.  I had visited the whitehouse.gov website, but not yet the health care page.  Thanks for bringing it to our attention, those of us with chronic conditions especially need to follow the debate/proposals for health care reform.

I was waiting for Joy's take on it.

I've been distracted lately, just diagnosed with "fourth nerve palsy" and need to have an mri and mra, so haven't been followin' all the news all that closely.

the house of reps and the senate have or will be passing a bill to increase funding for the state's children health insurance program.  this is desperately needed, as in many states, the numbers needing/applying for medicaid (program for poor/low income) is increasing at a time when states have decreasing tax revenue because of the downturn in the economy. 

the stimulus package may include money to help those who lost their jobs pay for part of COBRA health insurance premiums, most laid off workers can't afford the full premium amount.

with the state of the economy, the question may be do we go for incremental or bigger fundamental changes??  i  wonder will incremental changes be enough to manage increasing health care costs and provide access to so many uninsured, a growing number as people lose jobs? 

i don't know, the more i read, the more i get a headache, i'll blame it on my eye problem not the complexity of the problem, HA! 

THanks for the site.  Hadn't seen it before.
Thanks for posting.  I will take a look at it also. 
THe means for financing this - billion dollar program will not be popular with some people.There's trouble written all over this program. I understand some of the goals might be desirable, but what they want to implement is going to be more costly than it is now. And no amount of the financial wrangling described is going to cover it.

I would can this until the recession is over. Everything is going to get a whole lot more expensive if they railroad this mess through.

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