The Cold!! how do you make peace/ deal w/ it? | Arthritis Information


hi all, I live in the lovely weather of Ca, right now..

But... but..i have a strong feeling & desire.. and the
Divine is talking loud now, to move back to North Carolina.. the winters tho!!! ack..
  I think, if i have a really well insulated place, woodstove and just dress really warm, I might be ok..
   My Rhem dr, said tons of people deal w/ the weather.. lol and ack..
  Thoughts// ?   ONe of the main reasons, also to move is bc of really good friends I have there. Its also
my "soul home".. I love it there!! and the seasons..
  If i were rich, it'd be easy winters in ca and summers nc.. but.. i'm not, LOL
Plus, disability pays 200-300 Less a Month!!! eek
but i'm a good scrounger and great coupon deal person, so I think I can make it work..
   Just worried about the weather!!
Ideas, thoughts??
Thks~ ( I don't even own a winter jacket or coat now! lol)
I think that your feelings of NC being your soul home.. is more important than the moderately cold weather in NC....   You have frigid temps but for such a short time, you probably could take it ...
I think NC is a lovely state.. I've been to Wilmington, Raleigh and Durham.... as well as many coastal towns..    Does NC have a state wage tax?
I'm with Babs.  As your signature line says -  Follow your bliss!   
I'm in MN and deal with cold.  It's manageable and it really doesn't last that long.   You just learn to dress for the weather.   I think it's the seasons that keep us hopeful.  After about February, I start looking forward to spring.  That first day that you look out the window and the leaves on the trees are all green is just beautiful. 
I am in Michigan, and we're having the most severe winter in many years, eighteen inches of snow and zero degree temperatures. My first winter with rampant RA, and the weather is the least of my problems. I would love to be in NC! It would be balmy in comparison.

Seriously, you can deal with the weather. Living where you love it, and where your friends are, is way more important than the temperature. You will need to buy a winter coat though! And a warm fleece throw for nights on the couch. Speaking for myself, I'd much prefer NC to California. How can you appreciate spring, summer and fall without winter?I hate cold and I'd love to live in a place that is warm year round. Honestly though the cold does not seem to affect my RA one way or the other. Follow your heart.  I love the mountains in NC and the husband and I own land there as we plan on building our cabin when we retire.  The winter and cold weather isn't hard for me and my RA.  Summer and the high humidity is harder on me than the cold.  Good luck with your plans.  I have to agree with Cathy that the seasons keep us hopeful.  My husband and I are already planning the garden.  Hiking_galGo where you will be most happy!  I live in Wisconsin, NC would be like a heat wave. yesterday was the first day above freezing in quite a while.
I wear layers. I HATE socks, but I wear them.  ANd I live in bedroom slippers when I am indoors.  I actually USE my gloves. I warm up the car before I go anywhere.  I have several cozy blankets on the bed, and instead of throws which are too small, I have a twin size micro fleece blanket on  the sofa and another on a chair..
We insulated the laundry room and the kitchen this year so they are noticibly warmer.
And I seem to always have a hot beverage near me.  If I'm not drinking it, I can warm my fingers on it.
 I love living in upstate NY and love having seasons. This is our forever home..Let it snow!!
Get a nice down comforter for the bed and a couple of fleece throws to use while watching tv and dress in layers.  Winter doesn't last all that long in NC anyway. Being near friends is more important than weather.
I'm confused about the disability though.  What does moving have to do with amount collected?  My SSDI stays the same wherever I choose to live.

The cold has never bothered my RA

I can tell a difference in weather with my RA.  When the barometric pressure changes, boy can I feel it in a major way.  Also the change of seasons gets me for a while until my body decides to adjust and go with the flow of things.  My brother in law went to live with his girlfriend in South Carolina last month after christmas.  He called last week when we had that cold snap and temps were only in the single digits and told me that it was near 60 degrees there that day.  I told him that's it, you're out of the family now buddy! 

All things considered I'd rather be in Florida.

Hi Whispered,

Yes, my body definitely reacts to the cold.  My fingertips turn blue but I just bought a fleece jacket and when the temp goes down I wear hooded down vest with it.

So lots of fleece clothes and mittens for the winter.  I am southeast as well. 

More importantly is being near friends.

I lived in CA for 6 years.  That was the lonliest time of my life, great employer and good chances for advancement, great weather, and loved being near the beach.  I lived near venice beach..  I did have co-workers who invited me over and took good care of me. but it really wasn't the same as being home near friends you have known for years.  I would choose the friends over weather.

best wishes in whichever you decide to do.
This is your story, take the pen in hand and write the next chapter.  Life should always be filled with adventure and excitement.  When you picture yourself next year, where do you want the setting of your story to be?