Rhumatoic and Hep C taking Enbrel | Arthritis Information


[:sMy husband has been on Enbrel for quite some time and it has been a life
saver, he is still working some but the pain is getting so bad the dr. put him
on oxycotin just to keep going. We have our own businesses... My question
is he lately seems to be deteriating rapidly with regard to body tissue,
fatigue and intense pain. Enlarged stomach. Fear the worst of course but
will have results from biopsys soon.

any one have combo of RH and Hep C?] I am getting tests for Hep C next week.  My RD phoned this morning to tell me my  liver enzymes are high. I  am off the mTX until further notice.. Will tell you what I find out.

Oooh, oxycontin is bad stuff.  Hope he doesn't have to be on it too long.  Is he taking any of the other meds they typically prescribe to ward off side affects?

Sorry I don't have more to contribute - hope things get better soon.

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