OT - NYT Columinist Bob Herbert on President Obama | Arthritis Information



justsaynoemore2009-06-21 06:26:05Good article. Did you see he already reversed the stem cell research law that Bush has set up? Finally, brilliant scientists will return to the US to work on curing diseases. It might even help us.


Bob Herbert sounds like a very non-biased person, just like you.

Birdgirl, the United States is the largest stem cell research country in the world and the United States spends more money on stem cell research than any other country, thanks to GWB. Yous are pathetic and ignorant, two very destructive diseases. No offense.


That was an inspiring article JSNM, thanks.

It never ceases to amaze me how many extreme right wing nuts will call down things as not being "unbiased" as if that somehow makes it invalid. No one on the planet is completely "unbiased, and what does a guy who is convinced Obama is a Muslim terrorist know about "unbiased"?
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