Back pain? | Arthritis Information


Does anyone have back pain especially when they have been up on their feet for very long? My seems to go into my left hip. If I dont sit down I feel like I will fall from the pain. It is really affecting my ADL's. (Activities of daily living)


I haven't had problems with my back yet, but I just had neck surgery for arthritis affecting the upper part of my spine.  Not nice stuff!
Hi Lesle ~
 Yes, I did have the kind of pain you are talking about. Now after 4 surgeries I am doing well for now.
Hi hatari ~ What kind of surgery did you have?

What kind of surgeries have you had?

Hi All, I am new here...had RA forever.

I have horrible back pain and go to a chiropractor which helps tremendously. I had opted for this treatment rather than an ortho.


Leslie~I've had a terrible time with  my back for a while now. Like you said....I can't stand for long anymore. It's always far worse when I have to be on my feet for extended amounts of time. It feels almost as if my spine can not support my weight. It's horrible!! For years I've had low back pain off and on; and the occational episode where I would "throw my back out" and could hardly move at all...but this in my spine is different.

I recently had a series of X-Rays done on my back which show Artristis in my spine. They consider it to be OA. They also discovered at the same time that I have something called Spina Bifita Occulta. From all the research I have done it seems this is something I've probable had since birth but did not know it. It could cause problems...but it's not likely to be the cause of my pain.

I have an appointment with an orthopedist spine specialist at my RD's advise in January.

Tell my x-rays that it's "jammed muscles".  ;)

Well she's saying that because her theropy could cure that; isn't that right Ms. Goyal?

Why don't you tell all my friends here exactly how they have a "dis-ease" and not a disease. Why don't you tell them how you "Guareantee" them that they can be cured.

We don't really like people coming here pushing their products or their services. If you or a loved one do not have arthritis or a simular problem this is not the place for you.


I had surgery on my back for a herniated disc about 3 years ago and after a long time of recovery the back felt fine. About a month ago i started having pain in the lower part of my back and thought it might be a disc again, but after about a week the pain stopped. It comes and goes with me and i'm beginning to think it's just the RA in action.

Hi Lesle,

I have a terrible time with back pain also - although xrays show arthritis around my sacral area the physio seems to think that alot of the pain is refered from my feet and hips. I also find that the more tense and upset I get (well who wouldn't) the worse I make it. Of all my symptoms I find this the hardest to deal with, as you said said it affects most of your ADL's.

I hold the greatest respect for those of you who have had surgery - the idea of spinal/neck surgery frightens the wits out of me.

ALl I have to say is that RA, OA, and fibro are very painful and what works for one person may not work for another person. Since I am a person with OA of the spine I will tell you that not much eases the pain and there isn't a whole lot any surgeon or alternative medical person can do for it..-

Some people are successful in maintaining an ortho that helps there situation, and for that they are very fortunate. Not all of us are that fortunate.



I hate to hear that Sil~I'm sitting at my desk right now wishing I could go home and lay down. I'm not new to RA....but the OA in the spine dx is new to me; but it's been increasingly bothersome. I imagine it's been coming on for years but this year it has gotten to the point where we had to investigate further to get to the bottom of it.

Have you ever tried physical theropy? I've got an appintment in January with an ortho/spine specialist....and my RD thinks he'll try to start with physical theropy.
