Feeling 100% Rotten Today... | Arthritis Information


Just need a bit of sympathy today. I am feeling so sore and weak. I've been having terrible neuropathy in my hips and legs for the past couple of weeks. Everything just hurts, and I mean everything. The weirdest part is, I woke up in some pain but not too bad. School was cancelled today due to an ice storm so I even got to sleep in. Then right about one o'clock, out of the blue,I feel so bogged down, and everything just started hurting at once. On top of it, my right hand and both of my feet are freezing cold. My ears are ringing, my body feels like lead. Hubby is out of town and I have three young men wreaking havoc through the house. (They are just having fun - being loud little boys) We have no relative who live close by, and I am in survival mode. Sorry to be depressing, but like I said, I need a sympathetic ear. Thanks for listening.So sorry you're having a rough time right now.  Do you have anything to take for pain?

Hope you're feeling better soon!
Isn't it just the pits the way that stuff hits?  No rhyme or reason.  It always seems to happen when no one else is about to help with the everyday stuff and three little boys...  WOW!  You have to be a healthy marathon runner to keep up with them on a bad day I bet!!!  My best advice would be to not worry about the house, let them wreck havoc, it will survive.  Maybe watch videos or read books or lay on the couch and laugh at their antics.  I guess I am trying to say not to add stress by worrying about things you really can not change.  It is okay to be depressed, we all go through that on our rotten days.  Today, I offer you my ears and tomorrow I may need the favor returned.

I hope you feel better soon.  I'm listening. 

It is NO fun. So sorry you are suffering.

I am also listening.
Could you have a hot bath with epsom salts? That might take the edge off the pain and also warm up those hands and feet. What can you do with 3 boys but try to block them out?

I hope you feel better soon.Hi Graciesmom,
Sounds like a meany monster of a flare.  Hang in there.
Sending hugs and healing thoughts your way:

Hope things have gotten better for you since posting.

Sending tons of well wishes your way!I am sorry you are feeling so rotten!  I have two little boys and that is hard enough when I don't feel good I can't imagine having three.  I am also here if you need to vent somemore, you definatley deserve to.  I hope your day picks up. It's awfully hard to care for yourself when taking care of kids, no matter how amazing they are. My hairdresser has cystic fibrosis and was just singing the praises of epsom salt baths. Hope you can find something to relieve your pain. sorry you're having a day of suffering, graciesmom......  boys can be rough, but at least they usually can entertain themselves.. 

Early bedtime for the banshees???
I too, am listening... and hearing.
 Here's a hug for you.  I hope that the boys have calmed down a but for you.  Are they old enough to know when you say that "Mommy hurts bad and I need you to sit and color or play with playdoh, etc"  I know that would take a miracle, but sometimes they do listen.  Maybe sit down with a heating pad or some nice warm tea.  Take a deep breath and blow it out of your mouth.  It sure helps to relax me.
Let us know how your day went later and I sure hope that you feel better.
Thank you everyone for the well wishes. I settled in with a movie with the boys and I did feel better a few hours later. Now I am just tired but cannot sleep. It is so nice to be able to put my words out there and have them mean something to other people. I know that anyone reading what I have written understands how bad things can really get. Thank you for the caring words and advice. Shelly63 I enjoyed the link you posted. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.    to everyone for listening.I hate days like that - hopefully tomorrow will be better! I'm late with well wishes- sorry. Hope today is a better day!
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