question | Arthritis Information


My joints have not stopped hurting as of yet. But the qaulity of pain varies.

I have intense burning and muscle fatigue. I ran the vacumm today and my wrist to my elbows  have a burning fatigue pain. Anyone have the same problem? My knees are swollen and the area all around my knee including the sides are burning. Is this normal for RA?
I guess I am asking do you get the burning and weakness?
sTinkerBell2009-01-28 18:47:27I took a vicodine......It is the reason I am posting like a crazy woman. They kind of wind me up. Sorry and please exscuse my ramblings. my DH went to bed already. No one to talk to. HI Tinkerbell, I have those aches and pains all the time, intensity varies but today, feet, hands, wrists are awful, meds help but do not get rid of it altogether.  What meds are you on now?    I had to give up vacuuming and most housework as it inevitably causes a flare and my spine becomes so painful and fatigue sets in rapidly.  The burning and weakness could be from your nerves.  I take endep for that, it works for me, check with your Dr if you could maybe get some relief with another medicine, some people on here take Gabapentin  or neurontin for nerve pain, the latter did not work for me though. Regards Janie. Hi Janie,
I take the plaq twice a day. I have had celebrex. I go next month for my second visit with my rheumy. My family doc thought it was likely I would be put on humira or embrel (sp) very soon. I do not know why he thought this, I should of asked him if it was indicated in the Rheumys letter to him. This of course is specualtion on my part.
The pain is burning in my muscles or tendons. It sounds crazy but they feel like the muscles, tendons and joints are all infected like. It varies in intensity. I keep moving and it helps, but it seems if I exert myself like vacumming the infection type burning starts. I don't know, maybe I am not explaining it right. I will talk to my Rheumy for sure. I can't wait to go see him again. I have got loads of questions after spending time reading here. lol
Thanks for the suggestions Janie
I have been having the same problem in my neck and across the scapular area on both sides. It usually happens when I have been doing the same thing for a long time. The only thing that relieves it is rest and my heating pad. I also rub down with Activon Ultra Strength Arthritis (the red one). It is really terrible pain and the burning is the worst. I had a couple of massages last week to try and loosen up the muscles and it helped, but the minute I start doing something for any length of time the pain comes back.

Do you take any kind of muscle relaxer? I take Flexeril and it does help. Be sure to keep writing everything down so you remember to tell you rheumy what's going on. I hope you get some relief, I understand how you feel. Hugs!
I used to get that quite a bit, especially on the sides of my knees like you describe, which would keep me up at night, and now I get it on occasion, but a lot more mildly. It will improve as your RA gets more under control. I know that doesn't help a lot now, but things will get better.

(Actually, that feeling was what made me look into the infection theory more closely. It just feels like an infection, acts like an infection, etc.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...)Gimpy-a-gogo2009-01-28 23:56:26I get the burning sensation in my shoulder and down my arm. But the other places that hurt, hand, feet and jaw, don't burn, they hurt in a different way. Hard to explain. Maybe that's the difference between large joints and small ones.

Like GraciesMom said, write it all down. It will help your rheumy know what to do to get you relief.knees are VERY swollen and STIFF this morning.
My son is getting married on Valentines Day, I have a tea length dress I am wearing, wondering how it will look with my fur lined crocs?
I don't really feel refreshed after resting. I was doing better and had hopes.
Oh, you made me laugh, sTink! I have a suit-type of job, and you reminded me of leaving the house for work with my ankle so ridiculously swollen that I stood in my crocs looking longingly at my bedroom slippers. I hope it doesn't come to that and that you are feeling no pain for the wedding.
sTink, I have to admit to something of a morbid curiousity about how you are doing. It seems like you are a week or two ahead of me in diagnosis and meds. I started with ibuprofen, then celebrex/tylenol, and now a pred burst + plaquenil. The pred has helped but only a little. I'm quite worried about when I begin the taper this weekend that I'll be crippled with pain again. Don't mean to be following so closely in your footsteps!
[QUOTE=SnowOwl]Congrats on your son's marriage, sTinkerBell.  How romantic to be wed on Valentines Day.  Rest, warmth, don't sweat the small stuff do what you can as you're able, things tend to take care of themselves better than we think.  You may start a fashion trend with your gown and fur lined crocs, are they color-coordinated?    [/QUOTE]
The crocs are not color coordinated, but I have a lovely pair of fluffy slippers just the right shade


I hope you don't have to much pain after your taper. You may want to ask your doc for some pain medicine. Everyone needs to take the edge off and if hot showers, ice, heating pads etc don't do it , I see nothing wrong with a pain pill. We sure have had the same treatment. My Family doc said something about me starting on one of the bigger drugs. I do not know if it was in a letter he read from my rheumy or his guess or opinion...I will find out next month. I go back to my super cute, very hunky Rheumy.....he is a hottie, even my husband made a comment. I wonder if crocs come in stilettos?

Hunky doc? Lucky girl!
My pain and swelling got worse yesterday, with the arthritis progressing into about 5 more joints in 24 hours. The pain's not unbearable at this point, but definitely was worried about the taper since the disease seems to be progressing rapidly under the higher dose. I left a msg for the doc but never connected with her. She left a msg with my husband and said to hold off on the taper and that we'll talk on Monday to schedule an MRI and discuss the meds.
I'm going to start a shoe hunt for comfy but trendy shoes. I'll let you know if I spot any stilleto crocs!
[QUOTE=sTinkerBell]I guess I am asking do you get the burning and weakness?[/QUOTE]
More often than not... ... ... ...
