MSM....your experiences with this supplement? | Arthritis Information


I have been reading about MSM ( methylsulfonylmethane for those like me who hadnt heard of it until today!!) and see some of you have had some real positive results. I am suprised it has not been discussed here further but seems to stay in the AP thread.

So, can anyone who has used it let us know the results?
I see Rockin' Annie believes it has been amazing, love to hear more from you if you get to read this!
Also read here that James Coburn totally believed that it gave him his life back.
Info please peeps....Well, I have very mixed feelings about things like that. I have recently started back taking the msm. I will be tapering the prednisone just before the second round of rituxan.  I am barely eating meat, which supposedly affects msm levels. So taking the msm to supplement my diet and hopefully help with some of the pain when I go off the prednisone. I have been taking msm in the past and have been told by md.'s to stop taking it.  I keep wanting to believe it helps, especially when I hear stories like james corburn, however, I didn't notice a lot of success on it. especially not to the point of getting my life back.  nothing has done that.
I read he also used diet to treat his RA.  Had the support of friends and people who helped him with naturopathic treatments.
I went to a chiropractor for a year who introduced me to the msm, some type of wheat or barely grass, milk thistle and accupuncture.  I continued with the supplements adding things others suggested. I just kept on getting worse and worse.
So it brings me to the conclusion, we are not there with him, we don't know what else he did to help with the RA, and maybe these things healed his body on some level but maybe he changed his life in a spiritual way by successfully eliminating stress, maybe a good support system helped.  not sure or maybe just like everythng else it works for some but not for all.
I have an email buddy who takes it along with ldn treatments, in addition to prednisone and painkillers. she says she notices a difference if she stops taking the msm.
Nonetheless, I will be taking it again in hopes of avoiding the rebounding pain from stopping prednisone and to supplement my diet.
So good luck to both of us on it. I feel it is worth a try.
Shelly632009-01-29 03:01:49I used it. I found no benefit from it6t5frlane: My orthopedist claims he takes it and that it is effective. Well, I tried it for six months and didn't feel I received any benefit from it. However, the itchy skin I was putting up with and was assuming it was just the combination of my skin tending to be dry and the COLD weather. Well, when I discontinued taking it itchy skin wasn't a problem any longer. That is my regular regimen of creams and lotions kept it under control. I've never tried it or researched it. I know a lot of people claim it helps them.I have done two 'trails' of MSM (one of 12 months and one of 26 months)following the protocol of starting on a minimal dose and working to maximum dose.

I found "some" relief from the OA symptoms in my shoulders but "very little" RA relief. Additionally, the MSM aggravated the dry eyes and dry mouth of SS.
