Rheumatoid arthritis is relentless! | Arthritis Information


Hi again guys, I was just wondering if you feel like I do, everytime I go to my DR, which is weekly at present, we find another symptom or disorder, soon it will be easier for me to say what isn't wrong than what is?????? janiefx2009-01-29 05:52:57Janie - my three month check is in an hour.  I just loaded up my notebook, a incredibly large plastic bag of all my bottles of meds, including creams, nail varnish, etc. 

My "consolidation" of my diary over 3 months for her to speak about today is THREE PAGES LONG.  Every day is something, its overwhelming.  My life is getting reduced to managing my symptoms for the day.  Its either time for meds, trying to juggle eating for the timing of the meds, have a new pain somewhere, having something old pop up which needs maybe cream treatment, it never, ever, ever stops.  Right now my left thumb is so painful, as I wait for my pain meds to kick in.  Tomorrow it will be fine. 
This is a chronic, relentless, debilitating disease with no cure, according to the party line.  We hear of stem cells working, a few of us in clinical remission, but all I know is that I can still feel it churning away every moment I am awake, and I know it parties while I sleep.
This is not encouragement I am writing to you, but empathy.  I understand.  I have found this disease to be a daily, constantly changing battlefield.  I haven't thrown my hands up in surrender, yet. 
Take care Cathy

I am with you 100 %.

Seems like daily and sometimes hourly things change. Whether it is a new pain, old pain, the quality of pain, location of pain, always changing and varying in degrees of intensity.

Let me pass out the party hats and horns, we can all party together

...So sorry to hear about how you are feeling.  I know it can get so discouraging as it gets old and all we want is a string of days without pain and to feel "normal."  As Snow Owl said, hopefully it is sunny and warm there and maybe that can give you some relief.  Hugs, Hiking_galJanie, I hope you are feeling a little better as the day wears on.  This nasty disease wasn't satisfied with my joints or lungs but now wants my eyes too.  Screaming and kicking and cursing right along with you! Thanks guys, it helps to know I am not alone.  I feel for you guys with your awful weather, at least it is hot here, the Hervey Bay climate is wonderful all year round.  However for the last 2 years the winter has affected me badly, I wouldn't even call it winter it is so mild.  Hugs Janie.

Janie, sorry to hear you are having such a tough spell. It seems like body and spirit follow each other on these ups and downs. I can't fathom what you are going through. Tomorrow will be 5 weeks since my onset and I am grieving the loss of my former life so deeply. But it can't even come close to the pain you are experiencing. 

I do envy you the whole down under thing - what a fantasy of mine it is to experience it some day.
Im for you Janie. Hope things get better soon, and I send {{{hugs}}} for you and Liam.
Im still to new to RA to offer any real insight into what is happening for you but the way I feel right now is what you are aiming for Im sure. And that humbles me and puts a  perspective on this/my whole trip. You do weekly Doc visits??! And I have been freaking out not being able to make a fist in the morning and having a couple of knees and wrists playing up.
Hang in there chickadee...there is a long way to go yet in 2009 so keep that great positive attitude.
Lyn  xxxx Thanks Colomo, your good wishes are appreciated, like you I still grieve for my former life and its been ten years now almost.  Never mind, appreciate the good days and work thru the bad ones, I watch movies or sleep when I am really bad, and when better I try to do things I enjoy, reading, crosswords, jigsaws, coffee with hubby and friends, play with my boys etc etc.  Keep your chin up, hugs Janie. janiefx2009-01-30 04:29:32Janie - so I post yesterday morning, in empathy over this "unrelenting" disease, to later on going for my 3-month blood work/check up and my labs are completely normal.  Nothing, absolutely nothing wrong - no disease activity, my thyroid stabilized, my liver recovered from the MTX experiment, my anemia back under control.  My doctor said it was the report of a completely healthy person.
I will NEVER understand what is going on with this disease.  You hang in there, we are all pulling for you. 

Hi Janie,

RA is relentless for sure.  Just had hematology appt. yesterday testing to see if there is a clotting disorder due to symptoms requiring constant hospitalizations. 

So yes always a new concern.

I have to get really creative with distracting myself from the drama of it all.  Otherwise, RA would demand to be the center of attention.

I now have to search for happiness whereas happiness used to find me.

I am looking for a class to take on -- sewing, quilting, anything to take the focus off the RA.  Can totally relate.  Hang in there. Hope you get a breather soon from the RA madness. Sending healing energy your way...

Janie, good luck to you, it sounds to me like you are due for some. I am new to this disease, and forewarned by all the experiences I read about on this board, which is the BEST thing I have found to mentally deal with RA. It's hard to even express how much it helps to read of what other people are going through, and puts my own life in perspective. Your description of your scooter rides made me smile, then groan with jealousy as I looked out the window at a foot of snow.

Stay strong, you have a lot of friends pulling for you. Thanks for posting.
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