Enbrel = Cancer..for some | Arthritis Information


It is official, My RA Dr. told me, straight forward, Enbrel caused my colon cancer. She told me she would no long perscribe Enbrel or any other meds as such because of the risk of Cancer. I do understand that this DOES NOT apply to everyone. I just want everyone to keep their heads up to the possiblility. I have an appointment with an attorney and will let you know what he says about the situtation.

One more thing, I was prescribed Fantynel for pain. Is anyone else taking this and how do the risks out weight the benefits?
God Bless you all!
What proof does she have that enbrel definitely caused the cancer?  Colon cancer is slow-growing; a tumor is present for years before it makes its presence known. hmm not sure, i guess you will have to talk to her about that. All i know is I didnt have cancer, and within the 6 years of taking Enbrel I I had it. Didnt get to read my  stats nor my folder, wonder if all the doctor lingo written in my file had sometning to say about it all. Im sorry, but i think your comment is alittle harsh, YOU have no idea what i have been through!I need more than one doctor's opinion, especially when there is a direct link between inflammation and colon cancer..........

Direct link found between chronic inflammation, colon cancer

Lynn492009-01-29 18:41:34Harsh?  I asked for clarification.  There are a few people in my family who have suffered with colon cancer.  Pardon me for wanting more information about what may or may not cause it. My colon was clear except for the cancer. Yes i agree with the inflammation and stress factors..explain to me the benefits my ra dr. would have in stating Enbrels fator in all of this?Just a thought, enbrel lowered your immune response.  Just curious were you on any other drugs during the last six years?  How was your daily colon habits...reg or constipated this would all factor in.  sorry about your news, speedy recovery.I can't possibly know your doctor's motivations for saying such a thing.  I would suggest however that you ask your doctor about Vitamin D.  It has been found to be very helpful in colon cancer.
Lynn492009-01-29 19:04:01Hi Cynthia...so sorry you're going through this.
As far as the fentanyl patch goes...I've been using it for a while without any problems.
Cynthia - so sorry to hear all of this, but at least your rheumatologist was honest and unfortunately, your case might save future patients of hers.  Lawsuits are a bitch to go through, but necessary at times.  Be sure the doctor or you report this to the FDA, pronto.  Good luck.  Ivypoe,

I can't imagine any Doctor being so stupid as to make such a reckless statement as your Doctor did. Please give the name and city of this Doctor. I have emailed a letter to Wyeth explaining that you have told the whole world wide web that a Doctor told you that Enbrel caused your colon cancer. I have sent them the link to this thread. I strongly suggest that you contact Wyeth. I believe that they will be very interested in your information and can gaurentee you that your Doctor will not make that statement again. We are so lucky that with today's medicines more and more people are surviving colon cancer and of course I sincerely wish you the very best outcome.

I ask that other members also send an email to wyeth with a link to this thread.

Who the hell are you to report this to Wyeth for her?  Do you realize you may have jeapordized her report? 
Ivypoe - it's people like this knucklehead that keep us in the dark about what's going on with our meds.  What you may not realize is that Lev has posted pics of how damaged he was by Enbrel in the past.  It's why he had to go on Rituxin.  Enbrel didn't help him. 
Here is the link to the FDA reporting line -
And I seriously suggest you report Lev and AI to anybody who will listen.  Lev has joked he's 'paid' for his work here.  Should he be a Pharma KOL, altho why they'd use such a bigoted loudmouth piece of garbage, I have no idea. 
Anybody else have any idea where else she should report this?
Thank you Kal for the info about Fentynel. And yes I have reported To the FDA about 5 months ago...I have no idea who or what Wyeth is and have no plans on reporting to them about anything. I just figured my dr. was being a human being by telling me about the link to my cancer and enbrel. She also mentioned, there are 2 new meds coming out next year. They were suppose to be released this year but were held back. She didnt tell me the names of the drugs, so dont get all hot under the collar. Man this room has changed in the last year!I just ran a PubMed search on colon cancer and Enbrel and it appears there are some studies linking this to a special form of colon cancer.
Wyeth is the maker of Enbrel.
Lev is not one of us - he's more concerned about the drug companies than the people living with these diseases.
Yes, your doctor was being a mensch.  You just protect yourself, girl!
Ivy -
Some people are very pro-Pharma here and think Pharma can do no wrong.  We may decide to take risks to battle this disease but it should be an 'educated' decision - hiding information under the rug does nothing to help those who come after us.
Ivy, I am so sorry to hear of your troubles.  I used fentynel after my foot surgeries and my only complaint was that it made me nauseated.  I know you are not supposed to but I would take my patch off if it got too bad then later put it back on.  Best of luck to you. Ivy,
I'm really sorry you had to go through this and I don't know anything about Fentynal but I hope you get some pain relief soon. Also, stress is really bad for both RA and cancer, so I hope you have a good stress management strategy with all this going on.

Hi Ivy,

I used fentanyl patches but was allergic to them and to the gum that is used to adhere it to the skin.

I think your Dr was probably well informed if he was willing to state what he did, and if it was me, I would rather know so that I can avoid that drug. There are articles in the journals, papers all the time suggesting we are at risk for cancer anyway with RA, but by the same token there have been others stating that people have got cancer after being on Dmards and biologics.

I think if anyone should have reported it, it should have been you if you thought it was necessary, or Lev should have at least asked you if you would mind as Pip is right this could affect your case. 


 some people are not as into the
"www" as you are and Ivy was probably quite innocently stating what happened to her not expecting "the whole world wide web" to be reading it on an RA site.  You'll probably rumble me for my views, but they are just that and you are entitled to yours, so lets not start another fight please.  Janie.
janiefx2009-01-30 01:21:49 with this information? Sue a consumer of their product for saying the product gave them cancer? The last thing they want is publicity about how a doctor thinks Enbrel gave her patiient colon cancer. Or publicity about how they strong armed a doctor into keeping quiet about her suspicions about their medical product. Obviously public relations is not Levlarry's forte.

I keep getting this visual of the Wyeth Police Swat Team breaking down Ivypoes's doctor's office door. Dr. Ivypoe's turns slowly, terror in her eyes. (dramatic sting violin music). If only she hadn't voiced her professional opinion to her patient! Next, something happens. We're not sure what, but now enfeebled, Dr. Ivypoe's never again dares to link a case of colon cancer to the use of Enbrel, even though some studies on PubMed show it's possible, and that is her clinical opinion. Thanks to the heroic efforts of the Wyeth Police, Denialsim is safe again, and RA sufferers every where are spared from making informed decisions about their healthcare.Wow Cynthia - you have done everyone in here a big favor.  I suggest you print out this thread and take it with you to your attorney's office.  You might have two suits for damages.  Sorry, I am so wound up over Lev' irresponsible behavior, I forgot to ask you, if you have been using any natural treatments to help you along?
I would strongly suggest drinking aloe vera juice - you can buy big jugs of it at Walmart on the bottom shelf in the laxative section.
Another one to look at is Eissac (might have this wrong, it was named after their daughter?, and its her name Cassie backwards, it might be Essiac). 
And be good to yourself.  I am impressed how well you are handling all of this, so I know you must have a great support system.  And you are right SOME things (a/k/a posters) have really changed in here, but I hope the posts of encouragement on this thread will overweigh the terrible ones.  Take care ~~ Cathy  PS PM me if you want to, my father has been into nutrition for decades.  His doctor keeps saying at his annual he has never seen at 87 year old that has the constitution of a 20 year old.  He will give me the latest scoop of vitamins, etc. on cancer - the leading ideas at this point in time.  
PPS Gimpy, you are so right on.  What bunch of knuckleheads who exposed themselves on this thread. 
justsaynoemore2009-01-30 04:38:55

Sorry you are going through this.  I am surprised that your dr. made such a statement since there is still so much unknown about cancer.  How does your doctor know that Enbrel is the one and only cause for your cancer?  I can only imagine that having answers must make you feel better.  I hope you recover quickly.

Yea Larry........ you so eager to hand out information..whats your full name, address, Phone (home and work) and your SS#...[QUOTE=Pip!]I just ran a PubMed search on colon cancer and Enbrel and it appears there are some studies linking this to a special form of colon cancer.
I also searched PubMed and found 3 studies for enbrel and "colon cancer" and 4 for etanercept and "colon cancer"  Not one was linking the 2.  In fact 2 were discussing using enbrel as an inhibitor.  So could you post a link to these studies showing a link.  We must be doing 2 different searches.  I would be interested in reading theses studies.
None of us are qualified to say that enbrel hasnt caused Ivys colon cancer. What we read on the web isnt always correct either.. Enbrel is normally associated with Lymphomas but who is to say that the enbrel hasnt attached itself to something and caused the cancer..Lev once again you have come to the support of another member...Ivy please take no notice of Lev. I am sorry this has happened to you and good luck with the attorney.
We all take great risks with any meds we use.
[QUOTE=Mr Pincushion]None of us are qualified to say that enbrel hasnt caused Ivys colon cancer. What we read on the web isnt always correct either.. Enbrel is normally associated with Lymphomas but who is to say that the enbrel hasnt attached itself to something and caused the cancer..Lev once again you have come to the support of another member...Ivy please take no notice of Lev. I am sorry this has happened to you and good luck with the attorney.
We all take great risks with any meds we use.
And none of us is qualified to say that it did cause the cancer either...As a particular poster said the other day...nobody really knows what causes cancer.
I do agree with you about the risks though.  Every single med whether over the counter or prescription has risks, people should be mindful of that. 
suing drug co is a hard climb, they are protected just like vaccinations. 
Enbrel has side effects in what 1% of population and so does chemo drugs
listing secondary cancers
skin cancer
bladder cancer
What exactly is a secondary cancer?  Secondary to disease?

A secondary cancer can refer either to a second primary cancer, or to cancer that has spread from one part of the body to another (metastatic cancer).

For example, if someone has a primary breast cancer, a secondary cancer in her lung could be either a new lung cancer (primary lung cancer), or due to spread of her breast cancer to her lungs (breast cancer metastatic to the lungs).

In some cases, the treatment for a primary cancer (such as chemotherapy or radiation), can cause cell damage that predisposes an individual to a secondary cancer.

zSB(3,3)thanks for clearing that up for me There is an on-going safety review in children and young adults:

"FDA is investigating the possible association between the use of medicines known as tumor necrosis factor (TNF) blockers and the development of lymphoma and other cancers in children and young adults.  These individuals were treated with TNF blockers for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA), Crohn’s disease or other diseases.  JIA is the new name for what was called Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA). "

From The People's Pharmacy, "Do Prescription Drugs Cause Cancer?":


From the editorial:
"Parents of children with eczema have been worried by reports that the prescription topical skin treatments, Elidel cream and Protopic ointment, are associated with lymphoma and skin cancer. The FDA has warned against using these drugs in children under two years of age. It also states that, “The long term safety of Elidel and Protopic are unknown.”

Such cautions are not reassuring; they leave patients and physicians in a quandary. The same is true for the rheumatoid arthritis injections Cimzia, Enbrel, Humira and Remicade. These very expensive bio-tech drugs have revolutionized the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease. Last summer the FDA announced that it was investigating an association between these medications and the development of lymphoma or other cancers."

there is a difference between saying " I believe the enbrel caused her cancer" and " I know that enbrel caused her cancer" 
I believe is an opinion ....I know is a statement of fact.
Saying "i know" is wrong as the doctor can not know for sure and has no evidence to support his statement. 
[QUOTE=buckeye]there is a difference between saying " I believe the enbrel caused her cancer" and " I know that enbrel caused her cancer"  My Rheumy doesnt use anything unless he looks at the bigger picture...history of patient, when the symptoms started , what was going on in the patients life at the time,cancer in family history. He might use Enbrel on one patient but wont even try it with another.[QUOTE=buckeye]there is a difference between saying " I believe the enbrel caused her cancer" and " I know that enbrel caused her cancer" 
I believe is an opinion ....I know is a statement of fact.
Saying "i know" is wrong as the doctor can not know for sure and has no evidence to support his statement. 
Yes, yes, yes...There is a huge difference between knowing and believing!
And denialsiming. One has to wonder what the reaction would be if her doctor had said that Enbrel didn't cause the colon cancer.   Can we say hypocrite.... [QUOTE=Lynn49]One has to wonder what the reaction would be if her doctor had said that Enbrel didn't cause the colon cancer.   Can we say hypocrite.... [/QUOTE]

I wouldn't have any reaction.  That is what a lot of doctors believe, isn't it?

My personal feeling is based on the links I posted.  It is unknown for now, but there is a reason it is under a safety review.  That fact alone means more than one doctor has concerns, right?

We have to wait and see.
[QUOTE=Lynn49] One has to wonder what the reaction would be if her doctor had said that Enbrel didn't cause the colon cancer.   Can we say hypocrite.... [/QUOTE]

It never ceases to amaze me how some people decide what would have happened if _______, decide someone would have reacted a certain way (completely making this up in their own head, I reiterate), then start calling names on the basis of that.

Seriously? Get a grip.

And a lot of that goes on on this forum, too.More from The People's Pharmacy editorial:
"The FDA ought to require studies that would clarify the risk, rather than asking Americans simply to ignore warnings of cancer."

I agree 100% percent.

(Bolded to illustrate what I consider an example of 'denialsim')

Having denialsim won't protect you from side effects or risks, unfortunately. In fact, it might prompt you to delay seeking treatment when a problem pops up, as the editorial points out in different words. [QUOTE=Gimpy-a-gogo] [QUOTE=Lynn49] One has to wonder what the reaction would be if her doctor had said that Enbrel didn't cause the colon cancer.   Can we say hypocrite.... [/QUOTE]

It never ceases to amaze me how some people decide what would have happened if _______, decide someone would have reacted a certain way (completely making this up in their own head, I reiterate), then start calling names on the basis of that.

Seriously? Get a grip.

And a lot of that goes on on this forum, too.[/QUOTE]

Does one have to wonder?  I don't recall any replies to any of the cancer victims here or AF (which unfortunately has had its share of late) that said their meds caused it, do you?  Are there people out there that cruel?  'Yes, your meds did cause your cancer, here are five studies, your doctor is wrong'???  I've never seen that, have you?
 I don't think anyone denied there was a potential of cancer...what the objections were,   was the fact that the dr said the for sure her cancer was caused by enbrel..Since the dr can not know for sure what he told Ivy was false.  She did not report the dr's statement as  opinion she reported it as fact.   No one knows what, if any, the link is and that is what he should have told her.  He can tell her he thinks there is a link.
And yes if this is to be a arthritis forum we need to clarify what is KNOWN about these meds vs what is BELIEVED about them
No, Suzanne, I have never seen that. Ever. And I would be very surprised if I ever did.

Buckeye, unless you've talked to her doctor how can you be sure the doctor doesn't know. Obviously, at least the scale of probabilities tips that way enough for her to be confident enough to say so.

On the completely unscientific side, it's my personal belief that we each have a certain amount of subconscious knowledge about our bodies, so if Ivypoe believes that it was the enbrel that caused her cancer, I'm willing to give credence to that. [QUOTE=Mr Pincushion]My Rheumy doesnt use anything unless he looks at the bigger picture...[/QUOTE]
Both you and your wife pincushion/Lisa have RA? I offer you my empathy and my sympathy: one person in a family with RA is troublesome, two must be devastating.

However do you manage?
[QUOTE=buckeye]Suzanne  Ivypoe was talking about her personal experience, and that's appropriate on an RA support forum. So sorry you don't agree with her doctor, or if what her doctor said makes you uncomfortable, but there's nothing wrong with her sharing her beliefs or what her doctor said.

If we confine our talk to only what we can scientifically prove 100%, then we all better stop talking about mtx and plaquenil and folk remedies and the weather and RA, because what do we really know 100% about them?and there is nothing wrong with anyone pointing out that her dr has NO PROOF of what he said.  Buckeye, do you have proof that the doctor has no proof?aqueon..sorry but no my husband doesnt have RA only me...I am using his account as some how my last two accounts have been suspended for reasons unknown.

....and this is why I don't take medicine.

Ivy what tests did your doctor do? Sorry to ask but I think its the question everyones needs to know

I wonder if this debate is actually painful for you, Ivy?  I can not imagine what you must be going through with a diagnosis of cancer.  I feel horrible that this debate may actually be adding to your pain especially when you were looking for support.  Take care of yourself and follow SnowOwl's advice.  You don't really need this kind of stress right now. 
I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry about your cancer diagnosis.  You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
Ivypoe - I am so sorry to hear your diagnosis, you will be in my prayers also.  Please do not let this place cause you any extra stress.  Take care.
Ivypoe.... I am truly sorry about your cancer DX.. I will keep good thoughts your way..
Ivypoe... the rest of this post is directed towarrd others......  and not meant to cause you any bad feelings.
[QUOTE=Lynn49]One has to wonder what the reaction would be if her doctor had said that Enbrel didn't cause the colon cancer.   Can we say hypocrite.... [/QUOTE]
well.. let's see... I'd venture that the reaction would be that the doctor was in Wyeth's pocket.. wouldn't you?   We've heard that shouted around her enough......hypocrite is right....
[QUOTE=babs10] [QUOTE=Lynn49]One has to wonder what the reaction would be if her doctor had said that Enbrel didn't cause the colon cancer.   Can we say hypocrite.... [/QUOTE]


It never ceases to amaze me how some people decide what would have happened if _______, decide someone would have reacted a certain way (completely making this up in their own head, I reiterate), then start calling names on the basis of that.

Seriously? Get a grip.

And a lot of that goes on on this forum, too.
if the guilt fits, Gimpy
[QUOTE=Gimpy-a-gogo] [QUOTE=babs10] [QUOTE=Lynn49]One has to wonder what the reaction would be if her doctor had said that Enbrel didn't cause the colon cancer.   Can we say hypocrite.... [/QUOTE]


well.. let's see... I'd venture that the reaction would be that the doctor was in Wyeth's pocket.. wouldn't you?   We've heard that shouted around her enough......hypocrite is right....



It never ceases to amaze me how some people decide what would have happened if _______, decide someone would have reacted a certain way (completely making this up in their own head, I reiterate), then start calling names on the basis of that.

Seriously? Get a grip.

And a lot of that goes on on this forum, too.
[/QUOTE] babs102009-01-31 14:02:15IVypoe-
Protect yourself.
I hope Ivypoe is doing O.K.Jan Lucinda,
Thanks for bringing back this thread. It absolutely shows what biased, lying trash the APers are. Again, everyone hopes that ivypoe is doing well and hopefully past the road of recovery except probably the APers that hope that she dies so that the APers can show snippets of this thread on the www to show the damages of enbrel. Pip of course spews her lying trash about the pubmed associations of enbrel and colon cancer and when buckeye calls her and her commrads on her allegations, all you hear are the crickets and the queens court trying to run us around the bushes until we tire. You didn't see even one post an association of enbrel to colon cancer. Oh, that's right, the fda, all medical institutions, science organizations, universities all around the world have been paid off by bigpharm, right Jan Lucinda? Did your friend Pip ever find her proof? Thank you for this thread bump Jan Lucinda, it absolutely shows what kind of smelly stuff yous really are.
Make no mistake about it. Do I absolutely believe that enbrel cannot play a role in colon cancer. Nope. I absolutely believe that we have a very serious disease that can cause our death. I absolutely believe that we take drugs that lower our immune system. I absolutely know that a lowered immune system lowers our bodies ability to fight off diseases. That is why it is so very important to stay ahead of the curves and have a medical team that has the same beliefs. If we get pain in our gi system, we need to ensure that it's not serious, not next month, right now. When we develope a cough, we need to ensure that it's not serious, not next month at a doctors appointment, but right now, urgent care, we have an urgent disease with urgent medicines. Anytime our body acts different, we need to ensure, right now that it's not serious. Anybody with this disease needs to be scared. You can listen to Pincusion and the rest of the EULOIALL and the fly that follows their smell tell you to don't worry about it but that is a road that only a fool would take. Thanks again Jan Lucinda.

 Again, everyone hopes that ivypoe is doing well and hopefully past the road of recovery except probably the APers that hope that she dies so that the APers can show snippets of this thread on the www to show the damages of enbrel.  (POSTED BY LEV ABOVE)

Once again how disgusting to suggest that anyone wants ivypoe to die
IVYPOE- If you are reading this I hope you are ok, please ignore Lev he has the menopause and is cranky...x
send her aPM if you want to inquire about her health and how she is... instead of bumping up an entire thread....
It's SO obvious.
Wasn't it Pip that was showing my pre-rituxin ra swollen joints and claiming that the pictures were from the damages of enbrel. Pip knew that wasn't the truth, but used them for a lie. If she has that mindset, certainly she would hope, along with the other traditional ra med haters, that bad things happen with the traditional meds for their stupid agenda. That's just posted facts, Pincushion. Simple stuff, isn't it Pincushion? Has nothing to do with menopause. It has to do with what has been posted on this forum by your friends that care nothing about truth. Gosh, what a surprise that they are your friends.
Babs I didnt bump it up, it was up,lev answered it I answered Lev...anything wrong with that??? Does it not meet with your requirements
What has Pip got to with Ivypoe dying.....get a grip you are making some very nasty comments on here Lev.
[QUOTE=Mrs Pincushion]Babs I didnt bump it up, it was up,lev answered it I answered Lev...anything wrong with that??? Does it not meet with your requirements
do YOU ever read everything before you comment??

I was NOT referring to you bumping the thread.... JAN LUCINDA bumped it for no reason except to start trouble...... 
so before you feel the need to defend yourself.. please be sure you are the one being spoken to.... okay?    THANKS to you.
Mrs Pincushion
Senior Member

 Again, everyone hopes that ivypoe is doing well and hopefully past the road of recovery except probably the APers that hope that she dies so that the APers can show snippets of this thread on the www to show the damages of enbrel.  (POSTED BY LEV ABOVE)

Once again how disgusting to suggest that anyone wants ivypoe to die
IVYPOE- If you are reading this I hope you are ok, please ignore Lev he has the menopause and is cranky...x
Senior Member
send her aPM if you want to inquire about her health and how she is... instead of bumping up an entire thread....
It's SO obvious.
I wasnt defending myself, just stating a fact Babs
read my lips......
you posted in the meantime.... but I wasn't speaking to you..............
get it?
I need more than one doctor's opinion, especially when there is a direct link between inflammation and colon cancer..........

Direct link found between chronic inflammation, colon cancer

since we're getting documented data:
and inflammation has a link to colon cancer....
what does an NSAID DO???
Aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have been shown to reduce risk of colorectal cancer
and from the NEJM:  http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/short/354/7/761
it's not a cancer preventative...
but since many of us have to take them anyway......  perhaps we may reap some additional  benefits along the way?
some article say not to take NSAIDS as a colorectal cancer inhibitor...... that the gastro and cardiac involvement may not outweigh risks..... BUT, we may have to take the NSAID...... therefore.....  our need creates possible preventions which can be positives.....
babs102009-06-23 15:22:21 Vitamin D has been found to be very helpful in colon cancer.

[QUOTE=babs10]send her aPM if you want to inquire about her health and how she is... instead of bumping up an entire thread....
It's SO obvious.
I wanted to send it on her thread.
There is another more current thread that Ivypoe started...
However, she has not signed on to AI since May 12. I wonder if even checks "her threads". Email would be more immediate.

When it was strongly suggested that I start Enbrel immediately, I had a great many questions regarding its safety and the potential for long-term problems from the therapy. Each of the physicians took the time to make sure I was completely advised of the pros and cons of the drug. It soon became obvious that the pros far outweighed the cons and I was glad to begin the therapy.

No RA therapy, including AP, is without the risks of side effects. It can be a job or work to define the risks versus the benefits.

I opted to aggressively treat my RA and the comorbidity lurking over my shoulder. I accept the risks.

Maybe she'll check in.  We'll see.[QUOTE=Spelunker]There is another more current thread that Ivypoe started...
However, she has not signed on to AI since May 12. I wonder if even checks "her threads". Email would be more immediate.

When it was strongly suggested that I start Enbrel immediately, I had a great many questions regarding its safety and the potential for long-term problems from the therapy. Each of the physicians took the time to make sure I was completely advised of the pros and cons of the drug. It soon became obvious that the pros far outweighed the cons and I was glad to begin the therapy.

No RA therapy, including AP, is without the risks of side effects. It can be a job or work to define the risks versus the benefits.

I opted to aggressively treat my RA and the comorbidity lurking over my shoulder. I accept the risks.

Wise words Shug
And everyone here should keep in mind none of us is qualified to say that Enbrel did cause the cancer.  I asked my RD about this shortly after the original post and he said there was no proof.  He also mentioned that inflammation is a proven cause of colon cancer...
As a particular poster said the on this forum...nobody really knows what causes cancer.
I do agree with you about the risks though.  Every single med whether over the counter or prescription has risks, people should be mindful of that. 
Yes, we all know all meds have side effects. [QUOTE=Lynn49]...  He also mentioned that inflammation is a proven cause of colon cancer...[/quote]
There IT is again, that connection with inflammation: it is ubiquitous! and because it is, it should be a flashing warning sign
There is alot published on colon cancer because it is so widespread.Yes, colon cancer is wide spread, and Enbrel is, according many physicians, seldom-if-ever-the-culprit.

Frankly, rather than rehashing this old topic I would be very interested in your progress with AP: you mentioned elsewhere that you had an appointment with your AP RD. Maybe you could make time to share with us the results of that visit...or not, as you have indicated how busy you are.
I used to take enbrel and it was excellent for my RA , i felt better almost immediately and the fatigue was reduced. I then took an allergic reaction to it that was so bad I had to come off of it and ended up in hospital . I wasnt able to go back on it. I am aware of the side effects of the meds we take including the AP i am on . I can see where anyone else is coming form when they are scsred to take meds.
I found this website about a few cases of enbrel ended in disaster or near disaster but had I not had the allergic reaction I would have carried on taking it.

Side effects of Aspirin..

Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Stop using aspirin and call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects:
black, bloody, or tarry stools;
  • coughing up blood or vomit that looks like coffee grounds;
  • severe nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain;

  • fever lasting longer than 3 days;

  • swelling, or pain lasting longer than 10 days; or

  • hearing problems, ringing in your ears.

Less serious side effects may include:

  • upset stomach, heartburn;

  • drowsiness; or

  • headache.

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Again I have to say...Every single med whether over the counter or prescription has risks, people should be mindful of that. 
[QUOTE=Jan Lucinda]There is alot published on colon cancer because it is so widespread.[/QUOTE]
There certainly is, especially related to Inflammation
Ditto to lurking and acceptance of risk!  Yes I agrre Lynn but we were talking about enbrel...I could post at leat 20 meds im allergic to and the side affects I have had from them including co codemol, humira, ibuprofen, gold injections, leflumanide, flu remedies such as Night Nurse and beechums capsules......they range from itchyness to full blown throat swellings.[QUOTE=Mrs Pincushion]Yes I agrre Lynn but we were talking about enbrel...I could post at leat 20 meds im allergic to and the side affects I have had from them including co codemol, humira, ibuprofen, gold injections, leflumanide, flu remedies such as Night Nurse and beechums capsules......they range from itchyness to full blown throat swellings.[/QUOTE]
I think you just made my point...Everyone is different and no one can know exactly how they will react to a med.  If you read the side effects of any med, either over-the-counter or prescription, the side effects are pretty scary.
No one has been able to show any scienitific link to Enbrel causing colon cancer...There is however plenty of studies that link inflammation and colon cancer.  There is also some that recommend TNF's to control the inflammation.............Here's one:

TNF-alpha Antagonist Stops Inflammation-induced Colon Cancer In Its Tracks


Really, it all comes down to the individual and the risk/benefit one accepts.

I used to have so much angst about taking that shot of Enbrel!

[QUOTE=Jan Lucinda]There is alot published on colon cancer because it is so widespread.[/QUOTE]
so we have a widespread cancer and we're trying to blame a med used by a small group of people... all of which do NOT get colon cancer....
nah......I wouldn't buy that if it were free......

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