cake decorating | Arthritis Information


My mother-in-law has arthritis in her hands that makes it very painful for her to decorate cakes, which she loves to do for birthdays in our family.  For Christmas this year I'd like to get her a cake decorator set that will be easier on her hands.  I'm not sure if one even exists, I haven't been able to find one that didn't require a lot of squeezing.  Any suggestions welcome!

(and by cake decorating I mean simple stuff...writing on cakes, little flowers you press out with the different tips, etc.  We're not talking fancy wedding cakes or artistic cakes, LOL)


Hi Chritie,

I have come across many people with Arthritis whilst on my travels as a Appliance Engineer and also my Mother and I both suffered with it in different parts of our bodies. My Mother suffered with it in her hands quite severely and her knuckles were very deformed, we came across liquid Glucosamine and Chodroitin after many years of drug trials and countless months of Glucosamine and Chodroitin tablet failures.

My Mothers hands are still quite deformed but she has no pain and almost full mobility back.

Contact me for more details

Best Regards



How can her hands/fingers be deformed and yet have full mobility?