inauguration Composite Photo | Arthritis Information


Got this in a e-mail. Very COOL.
Have you seen this super-high-resolution, composite photo of the  inauguration?  You can zoom way in and see everyone who was
   MAKE SURE YOU USE THE LITTLE ZOOM BAR ON THE LEFT.....YOU CAN SEE FACES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
let me know what you think,
sTinkerBell2009-01-31 20:55:36Wow!, Tink, that is incredible! It absolutely amazes me.I just wasted nearly an hour looking at this....was great!!
Everyone looks, well, soooooo cold. lolI am glad you both enjoyed it. I thought it was worth the time I spent browsing all those people. Thanks for the reponse
Really cool! Fantastic! Thank you!That's some cool technology - wonder how they do that. Did ya see the scowl on Bush's face?Not interested.  Thought booing of outgoing president was  really classless. [QUOTE=Jan Lucinda]Not interested.  Thought booing of outgoing president was  really classless.[/QUOTE]

I didn't see the inauguration - but I agree with you 100%.

I like supreme court justice Thomas, a snooze is in order.....Jas-
Yes, classless.
Over the years there's been many classless acts but I don't think that's a reason for not watching the inauguration of the President of the United States.  There are many reasons for not watching.  If you didn't watch it, you didn't know about the booing till later, so your reason/s for not watching  was something other than a classless act of booing.  If you did watch it, then you knew what transpired and did you stop watching it because you didn't agree with the act of booing?    I watched it because I've always watched the inauguration of the president irregardless of party lines.  It's part of history in the making, not just this election but every election.  It's democracy at it's best and sometimes at it's worse but it's still history.  Lindy LinB2009-01-31 12:18:31For me it is.  I don't want to see classless people. [QUOTE=LinB]Over the years there's been many classless acts but I don't think that's a reason for not watching the inauguration of the President of the United States.  There are many reasons for not watching.  If you didn't watch it, you didn't know about the booing till later, so your reason/s for not watching i was something other than a classless act of booing.  If you did watch it then you knew what transpired and did you stop watching it because you didn't agree with the act of booing?    I watched it because I've always watched the inauguration of the president irregardless of party lines.  It's part of history in the making, not just this election but every election.  It's democracy at it's best and sometimes at it's worse but it's still history.  Lindy[/QUOTE]

I didn't watch because I was at the hospital all day with my brother.  I heard about the booing after the fact and saw some clips.
Hey Jas, not making light of your brother's problems, but you may have been better off there than watching the inaugration!!!!!  It got really boring after a couple of hours but I stuck with it because I learned a lot, saw people that I hadn't seen in years and I for one love all the pomp and circumstance that comes along with history being made.  I hope that your brother is recovering.
I was away in the mountains of Mexico for 4 days and I just heard about the governor.  Am  getting ready to google to see what happened while I was away.  Very interesting times.  Lindy
Alot going on with Blago.  Changes in Illinois.
[QUOTE=Jan Lucinda]LinB- [QUOTE=LinB]

Thanks for the news.  I didn't even know the name of the guv.  Am going to go check out the news.  Think I'll read the Chicago newspaper also (don't throw anything at me, Jas) I can't duck that quickly!  I'll take a look at both sides of the coin and maybe even the edge.  Lindy


I thought it was interesting photography with a very relevant bit of history. I however did not intend for this thread to be about politics.
 Thanks again, and please just enjoy the picture.
ah well tink.. we cannot control the weaves of our thoughts now can we?
it's a good pic... thanks for sharing..
and I enjoyed the Chicago banter!!  [QUOTE=Jan Lucinda]Not interested.  Thought booing of outgoing president was  really classless.[/QUOTE]
How rude! I had no idea.
Whats surprising, the liberal democrat crowd?

That was such a small part of inaugural day.  I thought it was rude and classless but it wasn't the most important thing about the inauguration, it was the inauguration itself that was important and history making.  Remember we live in the United States of America and we can boo the president of the United States and not lose our head or be thrown in jail for the rest of our lives. 

I really enjoyed looking at the pics, thanks for postiing.  Lindy

Tinker - its all about politics in here :) 
I understand that Cheney was booed, Bush got the goodbye song.  And I have never heard of the departing President in their departing helicopter flying over the Mall and the crowd as they depart.  Maybe Bush was giving the classless the finger.
Jan, I am going to lovingly call you out on the "classless" comment.  The American people are classless?  Have you some insight into a new world order of a communist state coming into power that is taking over America and we are all now classless?  Americans gathering on their Mall in their Capitol to watch the peaceful inauguration of our leader is classless? 
Your comment was surprisingly judgmental on your part, if you get my meanng, Friend.  Cathy
Booing the outgoing president is classless.  My opinion.
Well, in my lifetime, I have never heard of a President being booed while leaving office, or being sung buh-bye - maybe he deserved it, because there had to be a reason for Americans to boo a President.  If he was undeserved of being booed, he wouldn't have gotten booed.  He reaped what he sowed.  I am truly amazed, that for such an unprecedented, immense gathering of people, estimated at two million, who for some traveled long distances, waited and stood in that cold for hours, to watch a jumbotron of the swearing in ceremony, or to catch a glimpse of the President, and to have the event occur with no injuries or incidents, to me is a testament to the spirit of the people that gathered there.

I would not condemn the event for the few that booed, and it was just a few, cuz if it were the entire 2 million, it would have been deafening.  
[QUOTE=Jan Lucinda]For me it is.  I don't want to see classless people.[/QUOTE]

I suppose it would depend on how your define "classless". My definition is "favoring social equality" do you define the term?
I think people who behave with respect toward others is great class.