RA playing tag | Arthritis Information


I feel like my RA is playing tag in my body. Going from one place to the next. I've been on a new antiinflammatory med and wonder if it's not working as well as my Celebrex was. A few days my wrist hurts terribly then goes away, then the next few days my neck/shoulder then goes away, a few days after just the right side of the inside of my throat, near the middle of my throat...stabbing pain, then switches sides and goes to the left side.

Just curious if anyone else has had anything similar to that?
 The throat thing is wierd to me. It's happened in the past. Have researched on the internet and asked my dr. but not finding much on RA affecting your throat that way. The dr. doesnt think it has to do with RA, just a soar throat, but this is very scary when it happens...stabbing pain...sort of like a lump on the inside of my throat...nothing makes it better except time. It comes on all of the sudden, not gradually like a soar throat and stays until it wants to leave....sometimes just a few times and stops...other times for days.

Oh yes, I have all of that madness with RA.  Sounds like you have it bad.  Just do everything you can to get control of it.

However, I have sjogren's symptoms as well which also can give me a sore and hoarse throat.  They are not calling it right out sjogren's but "sicca" instead.  I no longer produce my own tears and taking restasis for that and loads of gel drops, moisture drops throughout the day, ointment at night, etc.. but I get the painful eyes, sore hoarse throat, nerve pain in the outer ears, dry mouth, etc.

I told the doctor about it and he said there were places in the throat that RA attacks.  So not sure why your doctor would say that.  It can be frustrating when the docs are conflicting in their explaination of RA.
RA jumps around all the time.  always have and still does.  My left hand, left shoulder, hip, ankle, etc. can be flaring at the beginning of the day and switch to the other side later on the same day or the next day. or I can have just one side flare for several days or weeks, then the other side does the same thing, just depends.  So very hard to adjust your life around pain that moves, Only it isn't just moving around the body but also damaging the places it visits.  My left side has less rom (range of motion) than the right-sided hips, shoulders, etc. but the right hand has more visible damage than the left,  they both are visibly damaged with the same types of deformities just that right is worse off. the right foot is worse off as well. so it is shear madness. 
I just hope your docs can get the right treatment plan for you soon.
take it easy.  Hope you get a break from the pain soon.
Hi Shelly63
Thanks for sharing!  Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry...you are dealing with a lot stuff aren't you. It really is maddness isn't it? Sounds like you have a great dr.!  I thought mine was good, but then gets so busy, doesn't seem to have time to really help when I call. Or want to check things out becuase of time. I sure wish I knew of a good RA Dr.where I live.
Take care!!!
Klynn, just last fall I went through a whole round of testing (x-ray, barium swallow, ct) visits w/ rheumy doc, ENT doc, test for lymphoma because I was on Enbrel... nothing found.  My rhumey switched me to Humira and like magic the pain was gone.  I went off the Humira due to illness for a month and a half... pain back... back on Humira... pain gone.  Shelly is right when she says do all you can to get your RA under control (the task all of us battle), that was all that helped me.

Hope this info lets you know you are not alone.  Don't take any chances, you know your body best.  All the test may seem unnecessary, but my mind is at ease at what I don't have!
Mine really doesn't jump around much. Always the hands, wrists & shoulders, toes. Sometimes throw in the elbows, knees and ankles.

Problem is both my PCP and RA dr. never tell me they need to do tests.  Just blow it off. Maybe it's time I go hunting for new dr.s  again...

Thanks guys!!

When my RA first started, it was migratory.  I was sure I had Palindromic Rheumatism.  It didn't take long before the migratory pattern stopped.  I also have pain in my throat when I have a bad flare, but it feels more like it's a tonsil.

First I want to say I am Sorry your in pain, and  YES my pain moves, my wrists and thumbs and maybe elbow will hurt and be stiff and weak, then a couple days later my knees will start screeming and my neck will be stiff, then a few days later maybe the joints at the base of my pinky fingers, .....If that is what you mean than YES my RA pain travels. .....Always the same joints, just different combos!
I am learning this is a CRAZY disease.
Take extra care of yourself,
Yes Kelly,
It is a lot to deal with.  That is why I say get control of it as soon as possible.  Don't want you to ever get this bad.
However, I don't know that my doc is all that great.  He usually has a student doctor with him so they pretty much go by the book to teach. Also, the student doctors exam you first where I go and are eager to be docs not burned out yet and have loads of information.  Plus I ask a lot of questions about how high is my sed rate, what's my rheumatoid factor (RF), etc.  I think the questions keep them on their toes.
But do search around until you are satisfied with your care.  A lot of hit or mss before I landed here with doc.  I was actually transferred by ambulance from another hospital to this hospital and that's where I stayed..  Best of luck to you.
The worst sore throat I ever had was one week before being diagnosed with RA.  Since then I've had the same type of pain that you describe, and I am sure it's from RA - there is a small joint in the throat that can become inflamed.  It comes on quickly and goes away just as fast, usually within a day.   It's quite painful, but at least it doesn't  prevent  me  from doing things.
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