Rash on Groin - help! | Arthritis Information


Hi all - I'm new to the board...My wife was diagnosed with Severe RA back around labor day of 2008...She also has Hashimoto's Hypothyroid...
She was recently trying Humira and we have ended up stopping taking it - one of the reasons is she developed - for lack of a better description - a chemical burn on her very private parts...like a rash but looked more like what a scab looks like when you scratch the top off and its white underneath.

She switched to Avara about 3-4 weeks ago and now we aren't sure if the problem has continued or just hasn't cleared up...Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this? What can be done to help it heal? It is very itchy for her and touching it is painful...

Thanks for any advice or information!
has she seen a doctor about this?   Sounds like it could be something viral or yeast?  Oh my! That sounds scary and very uncomfortable! If she hasn't talked to a doctor about it she really should. doesn't appear to be too terrribly concerned......  he hasn't checked back in on this thread??
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