I AM A FOSTER PUPPY MOMMY!!! | Arthritis Information


Hey everyone!!! Well work at the shelter has been keeping me busy. Unfortunately with the economy the way it is people are giving up their pets to us or dumping them off in the middle of nowhere thinking the pets can fend for themselves. I had a daschund puppy brought into me this past week ,3 months old and just barely over 3lbs. You could literally count the discs in his spine
and every single rib, no muscle mass at all and his skin just hanging off of him. He was suffering from hypothermia and looked so bad. My kennel guy and I got his temp back up and I took him home with me because he needed around the clock care. I got a vet to volunteer some time to check out my little friend and he said with good care Peanut shoul be able to have a very good and healthful life, the vet stated my little guy was being starved for quite some time. He has been put up for adoption, as a special needs pup, he has to be fed every 2 hrs to get to the proper weight he should be at, We already have a list for him, the first girl that signed up for him has been to the shelter everday so he gets use to her before going home with her. He has been coming home with me in the evening so he can get one on one care. He is doing so well it is hard to believe that he is the same little dog that came into the shelter. He loves to chase my cats and they run because they haven't figured out what he is yet. This time with him has been so much fun and it is teaching my daughter how much goes into raising a puppy too, now she isn't whining about wanting a puppy anymore. hehehehehehe Take care everyone xoxoxoxo meme Enjoy! Peanut is a lucky little pup! Meme , have lots of fun with the pup, what you are doing is wonderful.Well Peanut has been a handful today but he is doing really good. One of the cats and him are having a ball playing chase each other across the floor. I should have gotten a bell for him I have almost stepped on him a dozen times. This woman is use to dogs over a 100lbs this is the samllest dog I have ever taken care of. He is doing really well with the potty business so I think if the young lady is persistant in taking him out about every 1/2 hr he will be housebroke real quick. He woke me up at 5 am to let me know he had to go outside I thought that was awesome. I am also getting him trained to be able to be placed in a crate for traveling and time out, he is doing real well with it and he seems to like his little house cause he can play hide and seek in there. He is just so cute I will post a pic soon . meme
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