OT DANGERS OF 2ND HAND POT SMOKE | Arthritis Information



I dont smoke marijuana but could be tempted if my RA got out of control....
hello, the video is a joke
the reporter went for curry after interviewMabus-
I've read some doctors do prescribe marijuana for people with arthritis.  Do you know any?
Jan, it's quite common to prescribe cannabis for RA in states where it's legal.  Calif. is one of the states that has legalized cannabis for medicinal use.  LindyLin-
I know it is prescribed here because I have read about it, but I do not personally know any doctors who prescribe it.  Do you?
No, I don't but you can research since you live in California.  LindyI am not against MJ but like everything else should be used in moderation. Heck I have tried it and it didn't do anything for pain levels except make me more aware of pain, could not function except as a drunk and felt mentally impaired. Also bad for my COPD. Maybe I didn't INHALELin-
I have no interest in marijuana for myself but wondered if anyone actually knew a doctor who prescribed it.
PS I must confess, I had hidden agenda, I wanted to see if Gimp had a sense of humor

Does she have a prescription from her doctor?

Just curious, Jan, would you use it, if your doctor prescribed it?I really think it's a situation where one requests MJ and then if the Dr. is part of the program they'll prescribe it if the patient meets the criteria.  There is a set criteria.  One just can't go to a doctor and get an RX for MJ.  It's a little more involved than that.  LindyHill-
No I wouldn't when there are so many better treatments.  My opinion.

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