Enbrel Side Effects... | Arthritis Information


I have been on Enbrel for at least 2 months now. Has anyone experienced any weight gain from being on Enbrel?

Also, I have been experiencing a sore throat. It's not from a cold or being sick...it's just there. It's been like that for at maybe 3 weeks or more so it's not that i'm getting sick either. Can Enbrel affect my throat? I sure hope not because I love to sing.


 Can't say that I've experienced weight gain with being on Enbrel, or a sore throat sensation.  I've  read questions on the boards addressing the possibilty of  weight gain every now and then.

   Hope Enbrel is helping you.  I've been on it for 3 yrs. and it usually works.  Still have ocassional flare ups, but they don't last but a few days.

  Take care,


I've been on Enbrel now 2 years.  Never have I gained weight or the sore throat.   But, I know you can get headaches and fatigue.   Have you had your thyroid checked?   With one Auto immune disease comes many... it may be worth checking into.


Good luck,


I read somewhere on the forum about water retention? How do you know whether you are experiencing that, or weight gain?

I do experience headaches. But they feel to be more on the surface of my head(ie: I can touch and point on my skull where the pain is), not deep in my head where I cannot touch. Are these the headaches that you are talking about?

Been on enbrel since 3/00 .I don't think it has caused much wgt. gain.  Water retention? How do we know if it is  RA or drugs causing it?  Inactivity due to RA can cause wgt. gain also.   I say go for the feel good--cuz feeling bad is no good

I've been on Enbrel since it came out in 1998. The problem I have had is 2 major infections in the last 3 yrs. They were caused by the Enbrel. I stop taking Enbrel then and go on antibiotics and have had a molar pulled each episode because the infection was in my jaw and under my teeth. Pulling a tooth was the only way to bring the infection to the suface.

After this last infection, my Internist and I broached the idea that maybe I should not take Enbrel anymore. My Rheu said I had no choice but to go back on it because nothing else works for me anymore. All of the biological drugs have the possibility of having a severe infection, so I might as well stick with the one I know. So I'm back on Enbrel and watching closely for signs of infection.

Tell your Dr about your throat, maybe they can suggest things to try to help. I have Sjogrens, so I take a medication to help produce saliva and reduce throat and mouth dryness. Sucking on hard candy helps also.

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