Arthritis or what? | Arthritis Information


Hello everyone,  am new to this board and have some questions. The last three months I have been experiencing pain in my legs, knees,and sometimes the neck area. I have been to doctors and they have mentioned fribromygalia and possibly arthritis but nothing definate so far. My legs crack all the time and sometimes it seems like they pop and there is a lot of pain always even when I am not on them. I exercise to stay mobile at least and hour a day..but lately I have not been able to ....I feel I need to rest my legs at least a day in between exercising. Any ideas anyone? Does anyone know of a pain reliever that will not increase blood pressure? Thanks for your  help.  Donna

Hello and Welcome

Sorry to hear about your pain I really dont know about any pain relievers but I just wanted to suggest if you wanted to continue to exercise with out alot of pain.  You should look into a place were they have indoor swimming pools some places have aqua aerobic and that is so great.  I havent been very active because of my legs but since I have gone there I dont ache as much and my knees are not hurting after I do my exercise.  Just a little thought so you dont damage you legs more and Good luck.

It could possibly be osteoarthritis, particularly if you work out a lot and put stress on your joints.  Osteoarthritis is simply wear and tear on the joints, things getting damaged.  Of course, that doesn't make it hurt any less.

Have you seen a rheumatologist?  If you're concerned it might be arthritis, that's the type of doc you want to visit, not just your regular doc.

Good luck!

I go through bouts of needing a day off between exercising once in a while, too. For me, more often than not, it's just the autoimmune syndrome kicking in - that is, a "run down" feeling. Still, I always push myself to exercise because I am completely convinced that if you've got your weight where it should be and your joints "primed" [i.e., exercised] then you're one step ahead of the game.

You mention blood pressure, so there's some concern on your part. Of what? Raising your blood pressure? Edema? I would strongly encourage you to have a rheumatologist check you out - and check your blood pressure while you're there.

Swimming - EXCELLENT exercise for arthritis sufferers.

You didn't describe the pain, but I can suggest you not be too quick to get pain relievers. A better route, if your physician concurs, would be NSAIDS. It's surprising the amount of relief you can get from the Rx NSAIDS.

Lastly, I would be EXTREMELY skeptical of any claims of a guaranteed cure for RA. [No one's found a cure yet! I wish!]


Dear Doebo,

I suggest you to not to go for any painkillers. Also don't give any name to your disease. I think that you have low blood circulation. You should take Vitamin C, Vitamin E, with calcium. Also you should have deep muscle massage on your legs, neck and affected joints.Also you should have mild exercise. I gurantee you will recover. You can see health articles.


Please do more research before you spout stuff like this.  For many people, it is very psychologically helpful to be able to put a name to their health problems.  You have NO way of diagnosing "low blood circulation" over the net.  At least your recommendations for treatment are not harmful, but they may or may not help.  To "gurantee" somebody will recover following a single treatment recommendation is ridiculous - health problems are very unique to the individual and it may take various different treatments to find one that works for each person.

"I'm not a doctor but I play one on the internet."