OT octuplets | Arthritis Information



This story just keeps getting stranger to me.  I hope everything turns out okay for the children and family.
Oh lord 14 children, eight babies at once. I couldn't even imagine twins!

When I was pregnant it amazed me that I had room for ONE babie in my belly, but 8...!
ridiculous- the doctor that implanted them should have his license taken away.she makes me want to vomit.. there is NO way any single parent can justly care for that many little children!! 
and now, she's waiting for Oprah or Diane Sawyer to offer money for her story...
WTBF- I couldn't agree more.  I'm so astonished that all 8 eggs survived.  Very unusual circumstances.  I worked in in-vitro fertilization for a year and I can't imagine that any physician would implant 8 fertilized eggs.  The mother's story and history is very bizarre.  I don't understand.  LindyThis was the topic of conversation at my rd's office today.  I got my second dose of Rituxan so I wasn't going any where for a number of hours(like 7!!)   Anyway, the infusion nurse, who used to be a labor/delivery nurse made the point that those fertilized eggs have a "shelf" life of about 5 yrs.  Most likely, those eggs were at a point where they needed to be used, donated, or discarded.  Apparently she stated somewhere that she didn't want to donate them.   So, they were he eggs to do with what she wanted.
Still---wow!!!  Who on earth implants 8 eggs at once????  Sure, what are the chances of them all taking?  I have very mixed feelings on this situation.  I don't think she did the right thing. But, it was her right.  Those kids are going to need help.  According to the docs at the office, she is awaiting a 2 million dollar book deal. 
Anybody see a future show on the Learning Channel??  I love John and Kate +8.  Now we'll have Just me and 14. 
I want ot know where she got the money to afford all the IVF treatments.  Its not cheap and she had 6 in vitro pregnancies. 


Did she have six pregnancies? I don't know , if so did they only inplant one egg at a time?
or did she have multiples in just several pregnancies?
I agree, it doesn't make sense. Seems irresponsible. She has a responsibility to her children she already had.
Read the link, she's had a quite a life and her dad is making 100K in Iraq or something.

If she was planning to do this to get a TV show, I think it has backfired already!  And check out some of the comments on the link on some of the related stories - lots of backlash for Jon and Kate,  I'd say their show might have run its course, too!

You know, I think in my state it would be illegal for this mom to watch her own children alone! 
Makes me sick.  She needs to have her head examined.  Her parents are pathetic to give in to her wishes.  The doctor should lose his license.  I hope the babies are okay and wish them well, but I' m sorry they are born into this situation.  There is no way the mom or parents will be paying all the bills.....guess that means the rest of us will?  (spoken like a true republican, lol)What about the family with 17 and counting?! Jeez you guys, if the good Lord would not have wanted her to have those babies, the pregnancy would not have lasted. We are not here to judge. She and the babies are not out of the hospital yet. She may do quite well with the babies, who are we to know what she has set up and planned and we certainly do not know her support system. She will probably make enough money to hire help. Babies are a blessing, lets be happy for her and her family.Actually she was unable to have children without artificial means.


I do not believe the Good Lord got her pregnant. Of course God wants all babies to live, I believe he gave us life, He also gave us the freedom to chose. She chose to be artificially impregnated. I feel eight babies is irresponsible, she should think of her six children she has already. She risked her life to have these babies. I do not know her intentions or what she was thinking, but 14 children without a father is not the divine plan.

Please do not get upset with me, but I feel strongly that God did not cause her to have 8 babies and 14 children, she chose to have them all.

Amen Tink.It is not unusual for a doctor to place multiple eggs in a woman, in fact that is the norm for AI. I don't really think the doctor thought they would all implant. So to me, it is a miracle that all of these babies survived and are actually doing quite well. Now remember, I'm not spiritual in the way most of you here are but I think this is miraculous. When the time came, I'm sure that the word, abortion was brought up and being like most of you, this woman does not believe in abortion so she placed her babies in Gods hands and now she has 8 beautiful healthy babies. We can sit here all we want and think of reasons she is crazy and irresponsible but the fact of the matter is, she now has 14 kids, 8 of which are still in the hospital, she has not shown any irresponsibility in any way towards the care of her other children, has family support and is educated. We need to withhold judgement until we start hearing that the kids are not being taken care of. Until then, lets wish them well.
She had IVF not AI
the guidelines fom the Am Soc of Reproductive Medicine say that fo a women in her early 30's like this mother that no more than 2 embryos should be transferred in an IVF procedure...she had far more than that.  Since she had had this done at least 5 times before she is awareof the guidelines.  Even if she thought that all of them wouldn't take having 7 o 8 implanted is irresponsible on the mothers part and to me malpactice by the dr.
We all deal with insurance..even if she has private insurance which she pays for herself as she is unemployed they all have max lifetime limits general 1-3 million.  8 babies in NICU for 1-3 months she will far exceed that..then who is going to pay..the state and feds which means the taxpayers.
I pray all 14 of these children do well but I fear for them longterm
buckeye2009-02-04 09:06:16Buckeye, I apologize and stand corrected. I thought this was AI. Oh my. Well, what is done is done and yes, that doctor needs to explain. I also hope for the best for these babies.[QUOTE=buckeye]
She had IVF not AI
the guidelines fom the Am Soc of Reproductive Medicine say that fo a women in her early 30's like this mother that no more than 2 embryos should be transferred in an IVF procedure...she had far more than that.  Since she had had this done at least 5 times before she is awareof the guidelines.  Even if she thought that all of them wouldn't take having 7 o 8 implanted is irresponsible on the mothers part and to me malpactice by the dr.
We all deal with insurance..even if she has private insurance which she pays for herself as she is unemployed they all have max lifetime limits general 1-3 million.  8 babies in NICU for 1-3 months she will far exceed that..then who is going to pay..the state and feds which means the taxpayers.
I pray all 14 of these children do well but I fear for them longterm
When I worked in IVF, the norm was to implant UP to 3.  It's never been the norm to implant more than 3 and I guess the criteria has changed to not implant more than 2.  Irresponsible doesn't even begin to describe or define what was done by the doctor and the mother.   Lindy
The guidelines are based on a woman's age..they'll implant 3 if you are older since the success rate is lowerI think this woman is so selfish to think it's okay to have babies with no father.  Children need a father and a mother.  Who does she think is going to pay for all those babies.  Now I hear she has hired a PR rep for a book  to tell "her story".   Who cares what her story is and I hope no one buys her stupid book.   She makes me want to throw up my meds.

I grew up without a father, and only my mother, and I am kinda normal. I am no delequient. I have not done much of anything wrong in my life. Now, my other siblings, grew up with a mother and father and well... let's just say... they have done a lot wrong in their lifetime for them and me.

I think there's a lot more to this story than we know right now.  I feel there is some type of mental illness here, (her mother says she is addicted to having babies), and it is wrong for the medical community to have enabled her in this.  When you have a child you are making a commitment to be responsible for that child until they reach adulthood.  I only had three, and they are the greatest blessing of my life, but being a good, involved, responsible parent is very, very hard.  Dealing with their emotional, medical, spiritual, educational, and financial needs is a huge responsibility.
These children have come into the world at a disadvantage.  Mom is not financially able to care for them (she recently filed bankruptcy) and now the financial burden is falling to her parents, when they should be focusing on retirement.  Having a multiple birth such as this puts these children at a very high risk for health and developmental problems.   This was a very selfish choice she made, especially when she already had six young children to care for. 


EXACTLY my point.  I feel as a parent myself, we have a responsibility to the children we have ALREADY and should be considered in the decision making for having more. It is the irresponsibility of EVERYONE involved. At the expense of all those children that gets my goat.

sTinkerBell2009-02-04 14:29:07 [QUOTE=GG]What about the family with 17 and counting?! [/QUOTE]

They conceived their kids naturally, have always been entirely self-supporting, and AFAIK, the publicity sought them, not the other way around.  While I don't agree with all their beliefs, they seem to be doing a decent job with the kids, instilling a sense of respect and responsibility in them.  The older kids help the younger kids, and everyone has responsibilities.  Seems much more sane and manageable than a single mother with a litter of kids in addition to a whole mess she already has at home.

The mother of the octuplets brought the media scrutiny on herself - if she's seeking to fund her family with appearances and book deals, then she's made her deal with the devil.  I feel sorry for her children and the rest of her family.
Absolutely! They seem like a beautiful family.   Plus, there is a mom and dad in their home.  Don't get me wrong I have nothing against single mothers and fathers because life brings us many challenges.  But for someone to purposely have 6 kids with no father and then to decide on 7 and end up with 14.   It's so unfair to those kids.  Also I lived in CA and it  is super expensive there.  Almost everyone who can has to send their kids to private school because the public schools are so bad there.    Also I thought this woman had her career together but this morning she said after she finishes school for what she wants to do she will be able to take care of them.   Who is going to take care of them while she goes to school?  Last I heard she was collecting disability for a back injury that happened at work.....[QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]Last I heard she was collecting disability for a back injury that happened at work.....[/QUOTE]
in 1999!!!!!! today's latest news article.... she's going to be on television.. I wonder what she was paid for that?
tell me what it's all about ... cause after I read this:
the 33-year-old struggled with depression for years until she finally began to realize her childhood dream of having a huge family.
I was pretty much done reading....
babs102009-02-06 11:33:39yeah I heard her pregnancies made her back problem worse....I had trouble enough being a single parent after the divorce with just 2 children, I cannot imagine raising all those kids on my own even if you had help with parents......and wait till they all crawl...or are teenagers!

Formula alone would be have to be close to 0 for them a month not to mention diapers!I know Jarek's formula is right at about 0 a month and that is with partial momma milk nursings, plus his juices, plus his baby food till he can have homemade babyfood. THen there are the Dr. bills and shots all around, clothing...ect.

Oh yeah...and sleeeeeeeep, hope she is not counting on it till they are all about a year old....that is if they are healthy!

I hope the babies are all healthy and will be happy, they are all precious and are miracles for certain.

I just wonder if she just wanted the attention and was banking on the money from media and individuals.....she and her PR group are charging quite a bit for the interviews...and you can assume she will sign up for a reality show.

Just my 2 cents.jodejjr2009-02-06 13:39:10You know, the sad thing is she will probably get a lot of money for interviews and a reality show.  But those things will eventually fade away and there will still be 14 children left at a disadvantage.  Can you imagine when they start school, and they need school supplies, help with homework, drs. visits?  It's just very, very sad.she thinks she is putting those children into daycare when she goes back to school.  I can't imagine any daycare taking on 8 infants...with the existing clients who would have room for them....and even in low cost daycare can you imagine how much she would have to pay.The more I hear about this case the more disgusted I am, both with her and with whatever band of idiots keep knocking her up. Apparently no one "knocked her up".  She had her eggs fertizied by sperm from one donor, and had the embryos frozen.  All of her pregnancies are from those donor sperm embryos! [QUOTE=Hillhoney]Apparently no one "knocked her up".  She had her eggs fertizied by sperm from one donor, and had the embryos frozen.  All of her pregnancies are from those donor sperm embryos![/QUOTE]

That's exactly what I'm talking about... her getting knocked up was no accident - it was deliberate, and the medical team who knocked her up needs to be held accountable.Ah, gotcha - the team with the baster, LOL!  I definitely agree with you.  It was totally irresponsible and unethical.  I can't even figure out how she paid for it?  From what I've heard, it isn't cheap! [QUOTE=Hillhoney]Ah, gotcha - the team with the baster, LOL!  I definitely agree with you.  It was totally irresponsible and unethical.  I can't even figure out how she paid for it?  From what I've heard, it isn't cheap![/QUOTE]

Well, if she's on some sort of disability, then her insurance (whether private or government) paid for it, I'm sure.  Either way, we're all paying for it.  The birth alone was several million dollars, and now those babies are going to be in the hospital for what - another month?
I agree Jas.
How is this woman going to take care of all those children.I feel for the children. You know just because people CAN have a dozen children doesn't mean they should.
It's like I could of fed my children candy bars for breakfast every morning, but just because I could  of  doesn't mean I should of.
It doesn't seem right, and totally irresponsible. IMO

Wouldn't you think that the pregnancies would jeopardize her disability coverage?   And I don't think many insurance policies cover fertility drugs and procedures, do they?

Oh, no doubt we will end up paying for these babies over and over.


Wouldn't you think that the pregnancies would jeopardize her disability coverage?   And I don't think many insurance policies cover fertility drugs and procedures, do they?

Oh, no doubt we will end up paying for these babies over and over.


Actually, many insurance companies do cover infertility treatments.  They typically have limits as to how many attempts they will pay for.  One of my co-workers just went through several cycles with his wife, all paid for by the company insurance.
This whole situation makes me sick.  I saw the mom speak with Ann Curry, saying that she's a great mom as she has given "herself" to her kids.  She stays at home with them and plays and intends to do it with all 14 of them.  Give me a break....who does she think is paying?  I was a stay at home mom, and glad I could do it, however my husband and I saved a bunch of money in advance and planned to have 2 kids so we could afford college, vacations, etc.  This woman is a nutcase and the doctors involved should lose their licenses.From the 'Pop Chart' in this week's Time magazine:

"Octuplets Lady - ruining babies for the rest of us"
Oh her story will sell and she will get book deals and a reality show for sure......she will more than likely never have the energy to open a a text book yet alone study and earn a degree. THen there is th epost partum depression that is surely to set in, the exhaustion will be in with that, sleep deprivation will certainly be in the mix.

I feel sorry for the babies. SHe will probably have to have volunteers in to help because there is noway she will be able to take care of them even with her parents' help......even if all the other 6 kids help..they are what 7 yrs. old?

This is how bad things have gotten in our society,when a single parent with 7 children can have invitro   ""because she wants to"".

jodeI heard on the radio this a.m. that the CA med board is investigating the dr. for not practicing 'Standard of Care'. [QUOTE=SnowOwl]There were 12 children in my dad's family, 8 in my mom's, all born in the early 1900s.  You just don't see large families anymore like that.  When my maternal grandmother died, still quite young (of appendicitis), mom and her siblings were split up and sent to live with various relatives, mom went to a foster family, even after her father remarried the children weren't brought back together under his roof.   [/QUOTE]

Also, back then the ages of the children were spread out because they weren't multiples.  If this woman had 14 children between ages, say 0-25, it wouldn't be nearly as overwhelming as all them under age 7.  You'd have hand-me -downs, etc. - not 14 carseats all at once!

My mom was from a family of 14 kids, but they were taken away and put in foster care.  Her mom only kept the babies.  My dad was from a family of nine kids, one died in infancy.
[QUOTE=Suzanne] [QUOTE=SnowOwl]There were 12 children in my dad's family, 8 in my mom's, all born in the early 1900s.  You just don't see large families anymore like that.  When my maternal grandmother died, still quite young (of appendicitis), mom and her siblings were split up and sent to live with various relatives, mom went to a foster family, even after her father remarried the children weren't brought back together under his roof.   [/QUOTE]

Also, back then the ages of the children were spread out because they weren't multiples.  If this woman had 14 children between ages, say 0-25, it wouldn't be nearly as overwhelming as all them under age 7.  You'd have hand-me -downs, etc. - not 14 carseats all at once!

My mom was from a family of 14 kids, but they were taken away and put in foster care.  Her mom only kept the babies.  My dad was from a family of nine kids, one died in infancy.

Exactly - the older ones would be doing a large part of the housework, and also helping to watch and teach the little ones.  8 babies (possibly with some having special needs) all at once, on top of 6 small children, is more like a daycare.
Also, when this procedure is chosen when parents are unable to conceive a child the sperm donor isn't identified. This mother "knows who the sperm donor of all her children is." So why isn't he being made responsible for child support?  Sounds like a scam to me in that there won't be any way possible for her or her family to meet the expenses/needs of these children until they are adults. Grandpa has a well-paying job but grandpa won't live forever.
Also, grandma has stated publicly that she's already tired of caring for the first six children. The mom said that she worked and lived frugally so that she could afford this last procedure. If she is really committed to finishing her education why didn't she use these funds to do just that?
No matter how many willing hands are extended by family and friends at this time does anyone really think this will continue for years to come?

I truly believe this is a scam. She thought the gifts and monetary support was going to come rolling in. She is an attention seeker. At the expense of 14 children's lives- what a shame. Maybe they'll take them away when all is said and done.

I heard she got quite a bit of money already for the Ann Curry interview. Did anyone else think she looked like Angelina Jolie? Thinking you can make up for a troubled childhood on the backs of your own children is really sad and doesn't work. I thought the Curry interview was disturbing, there is nothing this woman says that makes you think it will turn out ok, other than she may make alot of money off it. Hi Deidre, I also found the interview very disturbing.  She stated that she had this great desire (obsession) to have many children because of her childhood issues of loneliness, isolation becuase she was an only child.  Now she's going to allow her parents who are part of her childhood issues help raise her children..........I somehow find this as disturbing or more disturbing than anything else I've heard or read.  Apparently she has a partner (sperm donor) in this whole fiasco who needs to step up to the plate.  If he wasn't her partner his identity wouldn't have been known to her.  He would have just been an anonymous donor.  Fertility clinics don't release the names of the donors and it used to be for invitro the sperm donor had to be the partner and not an anonymous donor.  Her parents have supported and condoned her behavior all along.  A very unusual environment to raise that many children.    LindyI don't how much influence these parents had over their adult daughter, here's a link to an interview of the grandmother of the octuplets.


I have even more questions after watching and reading ABC news.  If the grown daughter and her children were living rent free, appeared to never have any money, never bought groceries, etc.  then I think there was plenty of room for influence by her parents.  They were the ones footing the bills.   But then that's speculation on my part ,and not actually what the grandmother said.  It's still a mystery to me.  I think that the whole set up is going to be watched closely to make sure that proper care is given to all of the children.  At least I hope it is.   Lindythey say the "father's" name is David Solomon.. but that is not his name.. guaranteed.
She named the 8 children biblical names... so is this man's name.. biblical... she made it up.
She's crazy... there is no reason that any woman would want 8 children born at the same time... with no visible means of support..no familial support.....  she sounds like a whacko for sure
I have five kids...   my husband and I earn good salaries... and there is no way I could have afforded 9 more......    someone needs to shake some reality into this woman's world...   I think it's a shame.. babs102009-02-09 18:14:58todays news....she claims not to be on any welfare programs but she receives 0 in food stamps and 3 of her older children are on SSI for disabilities.  [QUOTE=buckeye]todays news....she claims not to be on any welfare programs but she receives 0 in food stamps and 3 of her older children are on SSI for disabilities.  [/QUOTE]

Technically, food stamps aren't "welfare" - strictly speaking, "welfare" is TANF, or temporary aid to needy families.  I bet the kids get free breakfast and lunch at school and reduced/waived fees - if the family gets food stamps they qualify for free school meals.  The kids probably also get some sort of government health insurance.

Technically not "welfare" but sure sounds like welfare to me...
They were saying on the news this morning that they estimate her fertility treatments cost around 100,000 bucks. Now where did she get that kind of money? Something is fishy and bazaar about this whole story. So weird. I think there are a few bolts missing here. I was ok with this at first, but the more I hear and read, the more this is so wrong.

hey ninilchicken,

it does look like she just had lips plumped to look like angie jolie, probably has fascination about actress in a strange way. did you read what her mother is saying?

She said she was going to use student loan money to support them...isn't that against the law? When I had student loans it was stipulated that you could only spend the money on education-related expenses.  And you had to prove you were a student and there was a limit on the amount you could borrow.  I guess things have changed. I've heard of people using loan monies to pay for room and board.. it is often included in grants and loans.....  IDK that it can specifically be used for babies though.
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