Increase in MTX | Arthritis Information


Hey all-I just got back from my rheumy and he wants me to increase my MTX.  Even though I feel great, he thinks that it is wearing off too soon because my day afters seem to have gotten worse instead of better.  Lately I've been a complete waste case on Saturdays.  My doctor's logic is that the dose isn't making it the full 7 days, and I'm actually feeling RA fatigue.  What do you think?  I always just assumed it was side effects, but I used to handle it better. 

I guess if it doesn't get better after 3-6 weeks I'll have my answer.
TheLA. It cant hurt to try, sometimes its best to up the dosage a little before things get worse .If the days are between the dose are getting less then there is a good chance its needs tweaking. As you say if you dont feel better in the long run then maybe another visit to the doctor will be needed. I had my MTX increased slightly as I was also finding myself not getting through to the next dose, it helped for me. I hope it works for you too.What dose are you on La? I too was not feeling as good as I thought I should last visit and my doctor said we could try going up to 20.  It was for the same reasons as your doctor's reasoning. However I had to stop my MTX due to that dental infection. So he said when you go back on- take your regular dose for 2 weeks then call me. Well I went into a flare and now he says stay on the 15 (?) until my next appointment which is not until the 26th! We'll talk about it then. Meanwhile I have been suffering worse than I was feeling before for going on 6 weeks now! Sounds like the way to go. It is kinda like when I was on humira. I was not getting but 1 good week if that, and injections were every 2 weeks. Then he bumped me to every week, and I still was not getting but maybe 5 good days out of the week. It was suppose to last a week! But it did not.
So... I am guessing that it is probably the same logic. That if it is suppose to last a week, and is not then, it needs tweeking.
I hope the increase helps you.
Feel better soon.
Yikes!  It sounds like you won't ever question your diagnosis again.  I'm sorry that you've had it so bad. 
I actually feel awesome, and I'm on a super low dose.  I have only been on 10, and he wants me to go to 12.5.  I'm just not convinced because I only feel bad the day after my dose.  Like I just want to lay on the couch all day.  I have a little swelling in one foot, but it doesn't bother me most of the time.  He's just convinced that I'm not feeling side effects from the drug, but RA fatigue because of it wearing off.  We shall soon see!La- you are too funny! hahahaha! Poor guy! NOT!
Well, glad you are feeling well.
Tee hee!!!!
By the way I'm going to be in your neck of the woods soon-going skiing!  Yea!
Allow me to suggest this John Hopkins article for your consideration.

Have a wonderful ski vacation! [QUOTE=TheLa]babs-thats what I always felt I was experiencing.  I think that since I had been adjusting to the MTX and then it changed for the worse, my doc felt that I needed more.  My dose is really I don't know.  If the higher dose makes me feel even worse then I'll have an argument.  We shall see...[/QUOTE]
OK.. what are your exact symptoms next day?
Are you feeling upset stomach?
These symptoms I managed w/ a dose of Dextramethorphan (sp?) in cough meds... the ones that say "DM"     One dose of that before MTX'ing... and a couple the next day and I really didn't feel bad anymore.....  That's what my RD said to do... no harm no foul either.
Hey all-It's the morning after adding the extra pill and guess what...I feel great!  Maybe the doc was right.  I felt crappy wed and thurs afternoons...fluish.  Maybe the MTX was slipping.  My joints never felt bad, just fluish.  Now let me say I did seriously carbo-load last night, so maybe I just did a better job taking the meds.  We shall see.  I'm an ongoing experiment!
Babs- I was feeling all of those symptoms, and yes I felt it was just the side effects.  The side effects, and symptoms of RA can be really similar especially if you have felt really good for an extended period of time.  So I couldn't really argue not trying the increase.  I can always back off.
I'm psyched to go skiing, and enjoy my allotted adult beverages.  Yea!
I'm going to check out that Johns Hopkins article.  Thanks. La
Glad you are feeling better. Hope you continue to feel better.
I was raised up in dosage twice while on MTX, but it was based on going sero-positive, not on how I was feeling.  I hope it works for you.  Glad you're feeling good La! Thanks for the support.  Hopefully this wasn't a fluke.Hopefully not- you have skiing to do! Damn skippy!  And martinis to be drunk!  So to speak