I am sorry | Arthritis Information


I want to apologize to everyone. I have been a total idiot. I am ashamed of my behavior. I deserve being found out. I hereby resign from being the resident troll. Please forgive me. I swear the whole thing got out of hand with the political arguments. Some of you know me as Texas Slick on AF. That is the real me. I am sorry Pincushion and to others that I have offended. I want to tell the real InflamedOnline that I am sorry. She tried to apologize to me, but I got carried away in the deceit and I am so sorry. I will never bother you people again. I was just so hurt when everyone turned on me, and then I wanted to hurt someone back. I am ashamed. It was all very wrong of me. My family would be ashamed as I am ashamed.


You know what Audrey. RA can mess with our minds. The pain, the meds we take, many other RA related things.
I have done my fair share of "trolling" and it was when my RA was out of control, and when on high doses of pred and when my inflammation was high. I just felt nutty. I mean I had gone back and read a lot of posts from when I was not doing well and I think to myself "What the heck was wrong with me?". Then I remember that I was not in a good state of mind and my mind was not working well.
Maybe that is your problem as well?
I hope you are feeling well, and if you do... I hope you continue to feel well.
Joonie...you are a very forgiving person. And good on you for that.
But me?? Nah. Something still stinks here, its all TOO simple. Eh Audrey??

Oh, and sorry not buying the two Inflamed's either, LOL.

Oh, and I also want to note that all the evidence that has been deleted can be accessed by googling her multiple names, and clicking on the "Cached" version.  Even though it has been deleted here, it is still out there for all to see.I guess it's true:  You can run, but you cannot hide.

Yep, the cache version is hardly ever updated, especially when it is a message board page.

You people are so pathetic.  I wonder which one of you made up that IO screenname?   Sounds to me like someone here is really bored...and sad...and pathetic...and it's not me.
GET A LIFE...prickcushion.
Edited to add...I am not sorry for anything I said on here, even under my old name AchingAudrey.  I WILL NEVER apologize to you freaks. 
AudaciousAudrey2009-02-03 22:21:43Not me ..........i just woke up!!![QUOTE=AudaciousAudrey]You people are so pathetic.  I wonder which one of you made up that IO screenname?   Sounds to me like someone here is really bored...and sad...and pathetic...and it's not me.
GET A LIFE...prickcushion.
Edited to add...I am not sorry for anything I said on here, even under my old name AchingAudrey.  I WILL NEVER apologize to you freaks
I guess that's why you changed ALL your old posts to read:

Replies: 89
Views: 3060

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OT - public apology
Posted: November�09�2008 at 6:35pm
Shame on you and this forum!

Edited by AchingAudrey 2008-11-30 11:00:52
if we are all freaks....
then what does that make her?
She has RA, too, so she says. We all have RA or something similar. *shrugs shoulders*
[QUOTE=babs10][QUOTE=AudaciousAudrey]You people are so pathetic.  I wonder which one of you made up that IO screenname?   Sounds to me like someone here is really bored...and sad...and pathetic...and it's not me.
GET A LIFE...prickcushion.
Edited to add...I am not sorry for anything I said on here, even under my old name AchingAudrey.  I WILL NEVER apologize to you freaks
I guess that's why you changed ALL your old posts to read: