AT-001, DnaJP1 | Arthritis Information


I've had a form of RA for a little over ten years now. Learned to deal with it [which took some time], adjusted to the drugs, found the right rheumatologist, and made changes in my life to accommodate the disease. Have ups and downs, same as everyone else. 

Now, for the first time, I am optimistic about a new treatment that just completed Phase II of Clinical trials at Univ of California in San Diego, headed by a Dr. Salvatore Albani. What I do know is that this drug works without suppressing the immune system.  The drug is called [in trials] "AT-001" but I've seen it referred to as "JPH1" and "DnaJP1,"  though I believe that these are the terms used for the protein peptide "Junctophilin 1"  which is associated with inflammation in RA. [Dynamics:  Impaired  protein peptide   "Junctophilin 1" causes a T-cell reaction, which triggers inflammation.  The new drug essentially re-educates the immune system and stops/prevents the T-cell reaction. I'm sure I am oversimplifying the process.] It's in pill form and it seems that it's easily tolerated.  Very positive results.

I don't have much info on it and if anyone is knowledgeable, I am sure many of us would welcome the info.  A very promising therapy and a totaly new approach.

Thanks for the link, 6t5frlane. That was the same article that's been printed on several websites. Wish there were more details. Wonder if they've been funded and approved for the last phase of Clinical Trials?

Does anyone have any knowledge of microbiology - specifically "heat shock proteins"? These are the proteins that have a connection to inflammation.

Will appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.


This would be so awesome if it really is as good as it looks like it might be.another link

I checked Albani's lab's website, hoping for more info, just as yo did 6t5frlane,  but it didn't say a whole heck of a lot. Hard to believe that more hasn't been written on this. Would love to know details.

Once upon a time I used to have a neat link that published a list of all drugs in clinical trials. Can't seem to locate it. It would list the drug, the place heading up the trial, size of the trial, the schedule, the status, etc. Does anyone have a good link? This AT-001 really should be "stalked."



Iagree Lee12134. You would think it be talked about since it could effect many autoimmune diseases