Dry Mouth???? | Arthritis Information


To those of you who have of Sjogren's Syndrome, do you sometimes have difficulty swallowing?  The feeling like something is stuck in your throat?  Lynn492009-02-05 18:14:47my difficulty from swallowing is when thyroid is on the moveThat's not an issue with me....I'm tested frequently because my youngest had thyroid cancer. yes.. I do have that sensation... when I have a cold and cannot breathe through my nose..

almost like both sides of my throat are stuck to each other...  That's why I always have a bottle of water with me....  quick sip... and I'm okay.
Since i started my Salagen that happens much less often.. sometimes during the night when I sleep!
How are your eyes, Lynn?  I noticed it first in my eyes.. I didn't know they were dry, I just always thought I abused them and they were itchy, sore,  burning and gritty.
My eyes are fine babs.  It's a mouth thing.  I'm having dental issues and the dentist said I should check with my RD.  I shattered a tooth a couple weeks ago and now I have a couple of cavities...I haven't any cavities in 25 years!  Dentist said dry mouth....
Been doing a little research
Did I mention that I hate going to the dentist...I like my dentist, just not thrilled with having hands in my mouth
I've always taken very good care of my teeth, so this is a bummer!

I seem to have dry mouth too.  I have not been dxed with Sjogren's but it probably is.  I just always have some bottled water handy.  Eyes seem to be ok and I wear contact lenses.  I keep some in the car--at work I always have something handy to drink. 
I can't say I am real thrilled with the dentist either!  I am going through some major items right now but I had not had to have any work done in a long time other than checkups and cleanings.  If you need work it is painful--both physically and financially!

Good about your eyes!!  

From what I read, tooth decay and gum recession is one thing that can occur.....  My dentist said that I have done well for my teeth and the constant sippage of water has been helpful. 
I use a water pik and sonic toothbrush to help my teeth... IDK how well I will do over time, but I really do try... I also dont use floss.. I dont want to cut myself and have infection... it's a conundrum sometimes....
I hate the dentist...
my mother suffered w/ Raynaud's, Lynn... I'm sorry you have that issue too.
I have sjogren's too, Lynn.  The dry mouth makes it hard for me to swallow too.  It feels like something stuck on one side.  Mornings or when I wake during the night are the pits.  I'm not taking anything for it, are you?
[QUOTE=waddie]I have sjogren's too, Lynn.  The dry mouth makes it hard for me to swallow too.  It feels like something stuck on one side.  Mornings or when I wake during the night are the pits.  I'm not taking anything for it, are you?
I just got a possible diagnosis yesterday.  My dentist wants me to check with my RD.  The dentist gave me a mouth rinse and some toothpaste to help keep my mouth moist. 
I'm not planning on adding any meds Lynn I have Sjogrens and suffer with dry mouth more than anything..Biotene has been  good for my mouth but I too am experiencing teeth problems.. I have seen my dentisit every 6 months since I was 4 years old...so for 40 years..my teeth  have always been my pride and joy...now i have had 3 out as they couldnt be saved..4 are capped and have root canals...i am battling 2 Abcesses my gums and bone loss in the last 6 months have been really bad...I chew a sugar free gum and eat as much lettuce as possible as its the only thing that helps with the dry mouth. I also get the throat problem and use salagen (sp) but sometimes it drives me crazyif you don't want to add meds..which I completely understand... sip water.. constantly.  My dentist said I was doing great for my teeth and gums by my regimen...  water sipping, sonic toothbrush and water pik to floss...
good luck!!!

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