Sound waves/bone break up | Arthritis Information


 There was a small article in Arthritis Today in May-June issue, under med watch studies about Sound Waves Break up bone spurs.  Does anyone know if doctors in the US are doing this?  Where might I find more information about this?  I did write the magazine and am waiting for a response,

   I do have a bone spur on my rotator cuff and would prefer this treatment over surgery.

   Would apprecitate any info.  Haven't heard from granpavan in ages??


Hi Kieye,  I don't know the answer to the question you are asking.  But Grandpavan may.  I have seen him posting at Rheumamisfits.  The old members seem to have split off into different boards.
I see Grandpavan postings at WebMD fairly often. You might be able to find him there too.