Does anyone have Fibro out there | Arthritis Information


Is any of mt fellow suffers out there? There has been no new post since 12-5-05 this is 12-7-05..... I guess no one with Fibro is in pain, needing some advice or any of those things and I would say thank God for a miracle...but, I need to know if anyone takes Cymbalta? My Rheumy gave it to me Monday because if U haven't read my post am still ILL and in pain I took it Monday night and I was looking for the last of me all day Tuesday. I did not take it Tuesday night and my today was average for me. I had Nauseau, Diarrhea and no appetite at all. I just felt awful on top of awful. Anyone else?

Keep Loving God and eachother




Welcome to the board. We have been trying to get this board  more active. Not working so far, but I keep hoping!!!!

I was on Cymbalta for about five months, just slowly weaned myself off it. It helped alot at first and then really just seemed to stop working. I also had a lot of nausea and sweating. I was taking 60 mg a day. I now only take my pain meds and sleep meds. Mostly the problem with me is the insomnia and that just leads to more pain for me. I have tried just about everything...from warm milk to Ambien...and maybe get tow hours at the most. I really decided that I don't want to be on an antidepressant. I am trying hard to deal with the pain,but some days I just want to scream!!! I also have OA, so I am never sure if it the fibro or OA. I was diagnosed with  fibro this summer and the OA three years ago.

I guess I can't really offer any advice except to say we all understand what you are dealing with. I hope you post often.




Did you take the Cymbalta with food and in the AM? If not, try to. Are you having a lot of stress? I understand it is the root of the Fibro. Have you been on an antianxiety medication such as Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, Vallium? It might help to try that on an as needed basis. I am not a Dr. These are just suggestions.

We are all here for each other. We are all in the same boat.


Hi, I am haveing alot of stress and my rheumy gave these to me foe depression and pain he said. He told me to take it at night but, I will try it during the day when I build my nerve back up. I have three kids and I think I am letting the guilt of being sick get to me. I wish the pain would just stop.