But is IT REAL? | Arthritis Information


I've mentioned in a few posts, been a post meiser this aftn., that I was dx'd officially by a rhuemy in Jan. I told him I was glad he believed it was a real condition because I have ran into grief with a few docs telling me it is just a junk term for I DONT KNOW WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU SO WE WILL CALL IT THIS! Well, this rhuemy got quite defensive and assured me fibro was very real. I read that having a vitamin d deficiency can be in common with having fibro. Yours truly has vitamin d deficiency. I take supplements and make sure I get my rays in, but don't over do it. What's up with that?

All I know is this pain is so real. The stiffness is horrible. Just read here about ones difficulties with locking. My elbows, shoulders freeze on me a lot after being still for like 2 to 3 hours and it hurts like the dickens until I get that oil moving through those joints again.
Are we believed to have a real medical condition with fibro or do they think we are just all depressed crackpots looking for attention? SOme days it is just so hard to get out of bed and continue on. Heck be easy to stay there, the exhaustion is unreal!
There was an excellent post last month by I think Lynn49 and by Arris Coldwell.  I have to go out right now but I can look for it when I get back.  This condition is definitely not in your head.
I was dxd 7 months ago and thought I would die from the pain.  Had to have dh help me do everything and could only climb stairs on my hands and knees.  I am not sure if it was two or three weeks ago but my GP changed my meds yet again and I am doing realy well.  I had some hip damage from the polymyalgia so am still having problems with hips and legs but everything else is great.  Hang in there...it does get better.

Hello again,

The posts I was referring to were by arriscolwell on Nov. 3, 2008 and Gimpy-a-gogo on the same date.  It was an excellent article and very helpful to me.

TeedOff2009-02-06 22:29:33Thanks, I will look for the thread and article.

I went off for a 2nd opinion and also have ankylosing spondylitis (sp) spine arthritis that starts at the SI joints, involves tendon pain. I have a foot that just does not give with pain, plantar fac. that is burning like a bugger. I am on mobic right now, couldn't deal with the celebrex, barely tolerating mobic and it isn't doing anything for the fibro pain, talk about a double whammy. I rather of had just the fibro dx at this point. I have gone from bad to worse in weeks. it took some docs years to finally get that fibro was indeed REAL.  We all know it is and so does the Medical world and they have known it for years now... so if any doc says its not... run for the door!  believing  that Fibro even exists..
 thing is he touched the trigger points and I nearly had to be pried of the ceiling.
I didnt know Fibro can lock your joints like RA..
Right now I take 2 Lyica a day.. I tried to get to 4  but the balance and vision problems were really bad.
 I'm really  upset over all this.. can Fibro exist with RA or is it one or the other?
Just because the exact cause(s) of fibromyalgia are not fully understood does not mean that the condition does not exist. For instance, for years the appendix has been thought to have no function; however, recent studies suggest that the appendix may have an important role in the flora of the digestive system. Unfortunately, research in the field of fibromyalgia has been slow compared to others because of a lack of funding.
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