Feeling whipped All Day | Arthritis Information


Hello All,

Today has been the strangest day I have had in as long as I can remember. I have felt totally drained. I had such a burst of energy yesterday but didn't sleep well last night then today I have just dragged BUTT.

I just woke up from a nap. It is 10:15 PM. I have slept since about 7 PM. I hope I don't stay up all night. My joints are hurting, wrist ,hands very stiff and painful. My lower back is painful and my muscles are all spasm. I just do not feel right. I am tempted to take a pain pill, but like I have written before, if I take a vicodin at night it seems to rev me up. I don't know what to do. The pain is making miserable. I am typing so much slower. It feels like it is harder than normal.

Is this normal for RA? burst of energy, then crash? I feel like trying to do anything is more than I can handle. I forced myself to get up and brush my teeth after I woke up. I took a shower and laid down and went right to sleep at 7 PM. Only to wake up with the pain.

I am not sure if I am even making sense. Sorry. I just feel very out of sorts. Thanks for listening. Tomorrow will be brighter.

yep.. it can be normal.
YOu have to learn to temper your bursts!!  just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD.. you will pay later..
It's inevitable.
I hope you feel better after more rest.
Sounds like maybe a flare coming on?
Have you tried to find another pain med that does not seem to rev you up? I am not much for taking pain meds. But I do take them. I use to just ride out the pain, and I had a lot of it. But once I told my RD why I did not like taking them, she tried to give me some with caffiene in them, But they done nothing for my pain. So... I was stuck with LorTabs, which make me paranoid... I am allergic to them, so I am told, until I decided that I need a pain med that was control released. My body seems to respond well to meds that are control released. But there were no meds that would do that with a co-pay in my price range and not needing to be PAed. So... She RXed me Ultracets that I can take up to 2-3 pills 8 times a day if I need to. It is kinda like my own control release so she told me.  I have not have to take the max of 8 times a day, but a few times, and that was when I first was put on it for pain management. Now... I just take none - 3 times a day. Depends on if I feel like riding out the pain or not.
I hope you feel better soon. And yes, tomorrow will be a better day.
Thanks guys. I appreciate the response. This is new to me. I feel like a poop. My DH worked all week very hard and I think he wanted to wine and dine this evening, and I just pooped out. After a long day of doing nothing really. What a waste of a day....Tomorrow, Tomorrow, the sun will come out tomorrow....corny I know.
I took the pain pill. I am not able to ride it out . I admire those who can. Someone posted about breathing techinques to help relax and fall asleep, I am going to try them tonight.
Take care, and thanks guys.
Hey Tink...just cuddle up with your cat and dog on a couch. They give heaps of comfort to me when I feel sore. I've felt that way before.  I think when I feel good and have a burst of energy I go like a mad woman and do too much.  The enevitable happens the next day, and for a few days.
I'm screwed....lots of pain and so tired I sleep all day.
I have vicodin and ultracets for pain....however, I'll do hot packs or ice packs or thinking of good peaceful things before I resort to pills...sometimes I have to though. 
I hope you feel better soon.
What medications are you on? 


Plaq , I have celebrex, and pain med.
I have found that a bad night's sleep with RA can really throw you for a loop until you get caught up on your rest. It doesn't even seem that a burst of energy and overdoing it was nearly as bad as disrupted sleep.
Hope you are feeling better today. 
Plaq is an antimicrobial as far as I know that wouldn't effect your energy level.  I try and pace myself with stuff I have to do.  If I overdo anything I feel whipped afterward.
Tink, feel better soon and perhaps ask dr for some other pain meds to make you sleepy or muscle relaxers work great for me.
take care
I can certainly commiserate but I'm also new at this so I can't offer advice. I haven't found a way to make myself feel better as of late either. Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for the concern everyone. I feel better this evening. This morning was the worst. I slept in until almost 10:00 AM. I was miserable for the most part of the day. Forced myself to ride with DH in to town, had a bite to eat, picked up Dog food and back home (exciting huh?) But the good news is I feel somewhat better, as far as my energy level, it feels normal. Joints are swollen again and hurt, but they seem to loosen as the day goes on.
I appreciate all the advice and well wishes.
Hi Tink - Sorry I missed this yesterday. Just wanted to say the best thing to do when you are feeling like that is to rest. It is very normal to have it come on suddenly too. I can be fine one minute and then without warning, boom I hit the wall and just want to crawl (literally) into my bed. Unfortunately, for some reason this often happens to me at the grocery store.    One thing you might consider taking if you don't already is vitamin D. My primary care doctor started me on this last summer and I really noticed a significant difference in how I was feeling pretty quickly. I still have my days where I feel like I've been hit by a truck, but I definitely feel better on my good days. Hope this helps some. Sending you well wishes...It must be contagious I felt the same way all day today.  It's been rough just to keep going this long and I feel like I'm going to pass out from exhaustion now.  I guess that means it's bed time.
Hope we both have more energy tomorrow.

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