Anemia and RA | Arthritis Information



justsaynoemore2009-06-20 06:50:03Thanks so much for this article...I suffer with chronic anemia which is an added nightmare with the RA and tirednessI was finally diagnosed with ACD when I was going through a terrible flare. I'd been slowly becoming anemic for a couple of years, but never to the point that I finally reached in 2006. Couldn't get up the stairs without help, I was a wreck for awhile, but it's finally gone since I went on Remicade.

Have you heard Redoubt is supposed to erupt, I hope it goes off on a clear day, so we have another front row seat. Were you still here in '89?


justsaynoemore2009-06-20 06:50:26My pasty face was so gradual I didn't notice it until I went back to work after being gone for 3 months and my boss told me how much better I looked and how drained I had looked during the flare. Now I really pay attention to it, although my blood work is also normal again.

Are you talking about Bobby Clucas' picture of Redoubt? That's the picture I wantto take this time, but with my luck it will be overcast that day.