shaky hands | Arthritis Information


Does any one have really shaky hands? Mine are getting so bad that I'm
having a hard time writing and holding things. yep...It's embarrashing for a 34 year old; but it comes with the territory I think. Sometimes are worse than others...but it's often.Alright, so it isn't just me. I'm a middle school math teacher and it's really
frustrating, I keep dropping papers and when I graph lines they are never

What about poor balance? I'm always running into stuff.

I experience that as well...not sure if it's an RA symptom or not; but it could be.

I'd hate to have to stand in front of a classroom full of students and write on the board. Bless your heart....I feel for ya. Maybe you could assign a student to help with graphs and stuff?

I shake like there is no tomorrow. Want to here what I did. My son was sick and I let him lay in my bed. I went to give him cough syrup I shook so bad I dropped the bottle on the bed it went right into the mattress. The bed is only a couple of yrs old...........TERESA

Prednisone can cause you to have tremors of the hands. I have seen that a lot.


Yep my hands will shake. My RD told me it was due to having a cup of coffee....but sometimes they shake regardless. I have had about 5 surgeries to my hands, so I drop everything allll the time! lol   gets you out of carrying some things *wink* my sis won;t always let me carry stuff cause she is afraid I will drop it.

It is painful though and frustrating. My hands still do hurt from time to time especially when the weather changes and in Michigan the weather changes alllll the time!

My hands shook so bad there for awhile I thought I had another disease to add to my collection.


The only thing that i have noticed with the shaking is that i usually get it after I take a pain pill.  When I finally break down and take that pill that is when I get my shakes.

I haven't had the shakes, but I have had trouble holding things.  In college, my right hand was so weak/hurting that I learned to take notes with my left.  Unfortunately I couldn't write fast enough to take in class writing tests in my left.

Jilly, I also run into things.  Notably doors/walls with my right or left shoulder.  Just *smack* "ow!"

Sometimes I get the "shakes" in my right hand and I thought it was from pain med but it started doing it without pain med. Sometimes it is just plain spastic. Lasts an hour or so. Crazy, huh?


I shake, drop things and run into walls too.

I'm always missing when I try to pick something up. cant write  hardly at all anymore

So is all the shaking, balance issues, and inability to hold things related to
RA? I haven't been diagnosed yet. I've had two blood tests come back with a
high RF and I'm awaiting an appointment at the end of January with a
rheumy. I just don't know if maybe I have something else going

Does anyone have both RA and fibro?

I have Fibro and I was told I had RA now the new Rheumy isnt so sure or that maybe I am in the early stages of it. But she said I definitly have a good case of Fibro. When she assessed me she pushed on me all over and boy did it hurt. To the point I had tears in my eyes. Fatigue is a big problem with the Fibro also. It generally makes you feel crappy all over.

I am beginning to think that my husband should trade me in for a mule and then shoot the mule.....LOL


Like I said, I haven't been diagnosed with either yet. But the more I read
about fibro, the more I think that is the problem. I don't sleep well. I have
pain in my neck, knees, hips, elbows, etc.

Did you go to a Rheumy for the diagnosis? Is that who treats fibro? Can fibro
cause you rheumatoid factor to be high?