I have to ask this question Bowel movement | Arthritis Information


I have to ask this question.  I have been having yellowish colored bowel movements.  I know when  I'm under stress it turns yellow.  I'm not under to much stress that I can tell but I'm a little worried.  I was reading on the internet that it could be a sign of Pancreatic Cancer.  I have had my gallbadder removed years ago.  I haven't had any weight loss, a little nausea but I figured it was from the methotrexate.

Anyone out there know anything about this subject?
RA Dx 1996
Orencia, Folic Acid. Prednisone, Methox
http://altmedicine.about.com/od/gettingdiagnosed/a/stools.htm...it can be from too much acid.  I would see the doctor thoughYou may want to have your liver enzymes checked.  Excess bilirubin is passed into the intestines and is what contributes to the color of stool.  If it's a clay color or a yellow this could indicate some sort of issue with the liver.  I noticed that you are on MTX so this might be the culprit.   

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