Any advice about elbow replacement? | Arthritis Information


I've had several orthopedic surgery and a couple replacements, and am now needing an elbow. If you have had elbow surgery or know someone that has, can you give me your assessment please?

Been putting this one off for several years and about to the end of my tolerance. Somehow I am more apprehensive about this joint replacement than others.

I would very much appreciate any advice.

Hi helen
I love my elbows.  I recovered complete flexion in both and extension is slightly less than complete but it is not noticeable.  I also have complete, as far as the elbows go, pronation and suppination though my wrists act as limiting factor. 
I have lifting resrictions of about 8lbs and am not allowed repetitive motions. 
The surgery for me took about 3-4 hours because the surgeon chose to relocate the ulnar nerve. It is not a requirement for the replacement but I was have numbness due to compression.  I was in a surgical cast for about 10 days then a moving splint for 6 weeks.  I did have a swelling problem in my hand after my left elbow but did not have the same problem with the right.
The first 2 weeks were not easy from a functional standpoint.  Dressing and grooming one handed with a big ole cast on the other arm is a challenge.  But once you get past that it is pretty straight foward.
Make sure you go to a surgeon who has done these before on a fairly regular basis.  I used a hand surgeon.
Feel free to ask any specific questions...I know its hard to find real experience

Hi Buckeye...didn't realize anyone had answered.  Thanks so much.  I'm glad to hear you had a good experience.

I've never been scared [well a little] of past surgeries, but i am really dreading this one.  My Mom had a knee replaced in January of 2006 and never recovered.  She had an infection, lost her mind and died 6 months later.  Granted she was 85, but I would rather die than to lose my mind.
 Now I don't trust that hospital.  I live in Southern Illinois and would love to know a surgeon that specialized in hands, elbows etc.  I would like to go to Louisville Jewish Hospital, or Baptist Hospital East in Louisville or St. Louis Missouri Babtist.  I've read that they are graded high.
I am seeing my Rheumatologist tomorrow and would like to get a referral.
Thanks again for answering and if anyone can recommend a surgeon, please let me know.
Hill Hastings at the Indiana Hand Center (indianapolis) is one of the co developers of the major implant used today ....The hospitals he is associated with (methodist and st vincent) are both highly rates ortho centers.   Indianpolis isn't much further than LouisvilleThanks, I'll check into that.