Has MTX helped you? | Arthritis Information


After years of RA, I'm finally in the place where I need to start medicating.  Doc prescribed MTX yesterday so I'm wondering about people's experiences - has MTX made you feel better, relieved symptoms, reduced fatigue (a big one for me)?  I'd love to hear about some experiences.  TIA.Hello Joy, MTX hasnt made a huge difference  to my tiredness and fatigue but it has to my over all well being. Sorry you need to take it but Im sure it will help youI hope you were on some other kind of DMARD if you had it for years!

MTX with high dose of prednisone made me go in to a year long remission. Then I was tapered down to 2 mgs of prednisone using 15 mgs of MTX. That worked well for a good stretch but recently it is not working so good. Dr. would like to start a biologic and increased my prednisone to 5 or 6 mgs.
I have to say I think the MTX causes me fatgue. Especially for 2 days after I take it. Not enough that keeps me from doing what I have to do tho.
Best of luck to you.
Some people have wonderful results with MTX and continue to do so for many years.  I didn't have any luck with it.  The only side effect I had with it was mild tiredness the day after.  If it had worked for me, I wouldn't have complained about the tiredness at all.  Mtx has worked great for me.  I've been taking mtx now for 17 years.  It's had to be increased over the years and have had to add plaquenil and sulfasalazine, but I've been happy with the results of mtx.  It didn't help with fatigue though.
Good luck...hope it works just as well for you!
I've been on MTX for about 3 years and it's helped but didn't help as much as I wanted by itself.  The combination of MXT and a biologic worked wonders and I'm now in clinical remission.  Lindy

I've been on mtx since the first of December, and am still waiting for results.  It's my understanding that it could be months before I see any.  I was on a small dose of pred at the same time but I am slowly weaning off that.  So it'll just be me, the MTX, nembutone (sorry, I know I spelled that wrong, don't have it with me), folic acid, and enough vitamins to choke a horse.

I've taken MTX for 21 years, have occasionally gone off it due to illness and know it's working because if I haven't gotten over the cold quickly, I start getting really stiff and painful. I had to start the biologics in 2006 after the worst flare I've ever had. I'm taking Remicade and MTX now. MTX does not stop the damage, my hands and knees are the worst, but it makes dealing with RA easier.I took it for about 6 years with excellent results. After 4 I had to start Humira as well though because I reached the max dose and they wouldn't increase it anymore. I sadly had to stop taking it due to elevated liver panels; but those went down after I discontinued the MTX. I've been off of it for about 4 months now maybe a little longer. Although it was a rough transition I've donw ok without it. I've chosen not to restarted at this time....but reserve the right to call it back up if nessesary.
I think it was a great medication for me at the time. No regrets. Watch your alcohol consumption. I wasn't a real heavy drinker; but ignored the warnings from some and look what happened. Chances are very high that the alcohol contributed to my problem.
Good Luck!
Hi Lovie, good to see you posting.  Lindy LinB2009-02-10 17:44:44I have now been on MTX for a year with great results.  I take it in combination with plaquinel.  It did take a little while to kick in, but I'm now in remission.  I'm tired the day after I take it, but my energy levels in general are much better.  Good-luckI've been on mtx for 5 weeks and I'm starting to see some results. I'd say my swelling and stiffness are reduced by half now, getting a little worse toward the end of the week. I take it in combo with plaq. My RD says that it will take another month until the mtx has reached its full effectiveness, so I'm thinking my results will be pretty good.
I do miss my beer, but the sacrifice is well worth it!on its own MTX did nothing for me.  In combination with the biologics, it is essential.
Without MTX Remicade might as well be water

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