Enough Is Enough | Arthritis Information


To Everyone On This Board: 

After checking the board this morning I have come to the conclusion: This RA Board is hopeless and I will no longer be participating. No need to reply to this post for I won't be checking this board ever again.

Not sure what warranted this declaration. I thought things had mellowed A LOT. Am I missing something?I wasn't sure what prompted it either, but then, I haven't been on here as much lately.  I hope Watchingwolf decides to come back.  There are many wonderful people on this board and I hate that a few bad apples are running some off. Watching Wolf,

I know you won't be checking this, but I will put my 2 cents in anyway.  Yes, we had a nasty, nasty trolling episode but this board has many, many more good members who want to inform, support and help.  If it weren't for strong members such as yourself, this place would no longer be.  I understand how disgusting the events of the past have been, it still upsets me.  Hopefully, we have move beyond all that and will stick with the business at hand.

Watching Wolf, I will miss your input into the discussions.  I will miss your beautiful sense of humor and I wish you would stay.
good points, waddie..

Yeah- just in case....
I will miss your jokes and laughter is the best medicine!

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