OT Stimulus Package | Arthritis Information


What do you think about it?

IMO don't see how it is going to help individual's and has a whole lot of pork.I'm very very very disappointed in the pork attached........  even though some of the fat has been cut.. there is much left behind....
I thought this was going to be a process that would stop w/ the change...... THAT bothers me alot... same old same old..
I'm going to take time this lunch period and read over what's on there... I'll be back!!!
in the meantime.. I have a question for all of you..
Is this Obama trying to make good on promises made during his campaign.. or...is it really something good for the USA?
The senate just passed the package.....jeez.. mabus.. no one has an opinion..
I know it's necessary to a degree... but I have a few major points of contention w/ it as it stands.
There is a tax cut to your pay that will be substantial to many .. on the first 00 earned a year... and the cut is being taken FROM the social security taxes.......  SORRY.. that's trading one headache for another.. wrong wrong wrong...... and the way the funds are being gotten is not good.. it's causing another issue to happen in the near future........  like we dont' ALL know that SS is needing funds.. not able to loan money out!  or have it's income reduced.
also.. there is billion in day care/school/university funding... While I'm not against any of those funds.. they do not belong here..  this is a stimulus to the economy...
some major pork issues were removed... Dolling up the Jeff Memorial being one..sorry Tom your face-lift will have to wait..still way too fat..
and the market is down  358 points right now... based on the economic stimulus not passing yet.. and Bernanke's opening his big mouth...  UGH>
so the tax breaks are supposed to help people go out and spend when Obama gets on the TV and tells how dire it is????where can you view this package? My husband gets so angry anytime he hears Obama speak he changes the channel. I at least want to hear what he has to say even if I didn't care for him or vote for him!There are no good choices in this mess no matter who is president or what party dominates congress. We are deep in debt and in a major financial/economic mess. agreed.. hessalina.. we are stuck no matter who is in charge... but do NOT couple need w/ bullsh-- pork.
This country is in BIG trouble... someone needs to address that.. and that alone!
this page of NY Times online is about 10 articles on the STimulus...
and...  there are two versions when all is said and done.. and the two have to be reconciled into one..   so some of the fluff cut out for this vote.. but passed in the first vote... may slip back in..........  what a surprise.
good article about what is going on now:  http://www.foxnews.com/politics/first100days/2009/02/09/republicans-sound-stimulus-senate-prepares-key-procedural-vote/
also.. one more thing.. Can I put duct tape on Nancy Pelosi's mouth??
"Drugmakers Take Shots At Stimulus"


"The House version of the bill was blunt. Treatments found to be less effective and/or more expensive "will no longer be prescribed," the Wall Street Journal reports. The Senate version, however, doesn't specifically take cost into account--and the industry successfully lobbied for the addition of "clinical" as an adjective describing the research, in a further attempt to bar cost from the discussion."
that is wrong..
who wants "comparative effectiveness" to be the way we are RX'd???    cost is one thing.. but do not tell me that I cannot use a med because comparably..... it doesn't work for the majority?????  and what about those of us who use a VERY expensive treatment... some things would not be prescribed any longer.....
edited.. cause Suzanne already had quote and post.
babs102009-02-10 12:55:47One man's pork is another man's stimulus.

As far as McCain remarking that the stimulus is "generational theft", what does he think has been happening the last eight years? Even since 1982? The democrats seem to have this reputation for spending yet it's the republicans that can't balance the budget and have not been fiscally responsible. Until they get back to that, they have no credibility.


And for the record, I don't care much for Pelosi either.

got an error on my first attempt to reply... must be doing "server" work tonight,, huh, Ernest?
anyway.. yes, generational theft is exactly right ... and McCain is well aware that in a few short years we will be paying OUT more $$$ than will be coming IN...... 
Can we get a stimulus for the social security administration???  sure.
The biggest problem with this "stimulus package" is that it does not stimulate much. SO much pork, it's scary.... Anyone catch Obama on TV telling us how his plan will "create and/or save 3-4 million jobs"??? What does that mean exactly? How is that gauged? Let me guess... He will tell us when and how it worked so we can thank him...
Also, looks like the clause limiting Executive Compensation is going to be a victim of the negotiation to reconcile the House and Senate Bills... Weren't we told that it was Obama showing us the "change"? Also, a lot of the fat that was trimmed off the Senate bill is going to be reintroduced in the negotiations... Great...
Boy, that Bipartisanship and change in the way things are done are going great... Anyone read about how Larry Summers took the Citigroup Corporate Jet back to New York from the DNC in Denver? It was ok, he was just a volunteer advisor to Obama at the time. Now he's the Head of Obama's National Economic Council and Citigroup received $ Billions. No problem there. Heh... Of course, no one disclosed this until it was brought up by a reporter and dismissed as irrelevant by the White House.... Very transparent and not business as usual in DC. Heh...
And why is it that all the crap that Bush got banged on for doing, Obama gets praise for doing? Obama became a Christian when he "felt the Spirit of the Lord, calling him to a Higher Purpose", but Bush got slammed for admitting he prayed for Guidance. What's up with that?...
Sorry, the media fawning over Obama is driving me bananas... I said I'd support Obama when he did things that were good for the country. I'm just not seeing any of that so far....
Once again José you took the words right off of my fingertips!  I couldn't agree more.

So if not this plan - what do we do?  Both Bush and Obama were pushing for immediate action, that we are facing a catastrophe.  I have no attachment to this stimulus package.  But I do believe we have to do something and do it quickly. 

So what do we do.  The old methods don't work anymore.  They were short term solutions.  I said so when they gave the last tax rebate.  It provides a very quick little bounce in spending (although that didn't even happen last time).  So what do we do, what do we do????
*highfive* Jose......
what do we do?  they need to do what's right.. first of all.. I won't say no to someone dropping some cash in my pocket.. but it's not the answer.... and adding ANY THING to this package IS WRONG on way too many levels to even articulate here...    and we shouldn't have to even say that..... 
What do we do? IF we must spend money, and  I am not convinced we do(the economy will rebound on its own, always has), then more things that put money back in the pockets of the people and that put money in the pockets of the investors such as tax cuts are better... Most of the things in this Stimulus Package are not stimulating growth or creating jobs... Also, what Obam said is DEAD WRONG, it is NEVER government's job to create jobs... 
What this Stimulus Package does do is grow government. A lot. When and how will ever be shrunk down again? Doesn't that scare you? Also, do you want some government agency deciding what treatments are ok which ones not? Try to think of ANY government agency that is known for its efficiency... I can't think of any either...
www.cato.org publlished a letter to Obama in the N.Y. TImes, etc. disagreeing with his views.  I posted it on the Current Event thread.Well said Jose !!


justsaynoemore2009-06-20 06:46:54 The Medical Profession on the Financial Bail-Out Package

The allergists voted to scratch it, and the dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves.

The gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it, but the neurologists thought the administration had a lot of nerve, and the obstetricians felt they were all laboring under a misconception.

The ophthalmologists considered the idea shortsighted; the pathologists yelled, "Over my dead body!" while the pediatricians said, 'Oh, Grow up!'

The psychiatrists thought the whole idea was madness, the radiologists could see right through it, and the surgeons decided to wash their hands of the whole thing.

The internists thought it was a bitter pill to swallow, and the plastic surgeons said, "This puts a whole new face on the matter."

The podiatrists thought it was a step forward, but the urologists felt the scheme wouldn't hold water.

The anesthesiologists thought the whole idea was a gas; and the cardiologists didn't have the heart to say no.

In the end, the proctologists left the decision up to the assholes in Washington. JasmineRain2009-02-16 22:26:37
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