PROUD OF MY SON | Arthritis Information


My son is 18 and attends a performing arts college, he is studying acting..Tonight he has his first performance and Im so proud of him...We are all going to watch and then off for a late supper to celebrate.....I cant wait...He is dyslexic and battled with school but has found his passion in life.Break a leg Mrs. Pinny's son!!!  It is so wonderful to see those kids (my son is one) find their passion and soar!  I hope you all have a fabulous evening and you feel fabulous and he, of course, will be wonderful!!!  GOod for him.  I have some dyslexic friends who are VERY talented.  There is a greater awareness now which is good.Enjoy! Best of luck to your son! It's always wonderful when someone can pursue their passion!I am very excited for your son.. and for your family..

what a great time!!!
please, let us know how it goes!! 
What is the play?  what is the performance??
STANDING OVATION!!!!!!    How exciting, have fun proud momma!How great, that he has found his passion in life. It must be so frustrating ,at times, to struggle with dyslexia.  I hope the performance goes beautifully. I know you and your family will enjoy it. Enjoy your celebration, and know that we are very happy for him and your family.
Much love to all,
Hello...I am back...The show was excellent, it was called INTER PINTA...About the life of Harold Pinta and his written work...It was a strange set up but fun and my son got  praise from the director so it was really good...I didnt stay for supper as i needed to come home( RA again) but all the cast have gone for pizza so its fine....AM SOOOOOO PROUD!Very nice, Lisa! Glad the show turned out so good!
