Sad Santa | Arthritis Information


 I probably should'nt be wining or crying here but WHERE ELSE ? After 2 years ( thanks insurance ) of not being on Remicade ole uncle Arthritis snuck up to remind me who's the boss. After much fighting  I go for my 1st infusion yesterday and get taken to the ER because of slightly high blood pressure ( 188/144) , must have been those cookies Christmas eve lol ! The ER got the B/P down so I could get my Remicade tx , Thank You ! I have noticed much reduced swelling and pain today for which I am grateful , however some abdominal pain, swelling and shortness of breath that I assumed was from my extreme flare was still there. After being in emergency medicine for 15 years I started poking and prodding and feel I have found a soft mass in my abdomen that does'nt belong. I see my G.P. tomorrow for my high B/P so I guess he will have to earn his money now !

 I am sorry to vent like this ( and maybe scare some newbies ) but after 23 yrs of RA and 7 yrs of Obstructive Sleep Apnea ( and all the side effects of that ) boderline diabetic , coming out of remission ( of 2 yrs ) I just kinda felt my plate was full.With not wanting to tell my family ( Mrs Claus and Elves ) until I actually know something I wanted to talk with an old friend , Arthritis Insight.

Thanks Folks , I feel a little better ! Santaruss


Slightly high b/p????  Uh, that's a little more than slightly high. <g>  It sounds like you do have alot on your plate.  My RA was in remission for a little over a year, and has come back with a vengeance.  I've put off going to the dr. due to financial concerns, but with everything that's been going on with my body, I finally made an appointment with my GP to start with.  My body is falling apart, and it's getting very difficult to get out of bed in the morning.  I fear there's more than RA and Fibro going on now.  I just don't know how I'm going to pay for it though. 

Good luck with your appointment, and I hope the mass isn't anything too serious.


Hi Russ,

This is the place to come and never apologize for needing some encouragement. I do have to agree that your BP does need to be treated and kept under control. My BP climbed to your heights and now I take 2 meds to keep it down in the normal range. I know, I know, it always seems to be something.

In 1985 I found a breast mass during the time that my arthritis was not responding to anything that they tried. I too felt that my plate was full and I didn't need anything else. With the support from family and friends I got through that time.

Here at the group we'll be here for you, all you have to do is to let us help. We've all be overwhelmed with our medical problems at some time.

Thinking of you.



Sending you lots of love and hugs. I hope the mass is nothing serious and I pray that Mrs. Claus and the elves are well too. I'm not sure how we'll survive Christmas next year if you're not back in good form. Oh well, at least Jesus is still alive and well :) Love, juliah

 Thank You all for your concern and prayers ! Seems Santa may have a slight pulmonary problem  ( key word is may ) from Methotrexate use some yrs back. Dr is also checking on the ticker for Cardioitis  ( ?) Not sure as I just had an EKG and too many things happening at once and I was on the wrong side of the action

 On the Good side , the Remicade has already eased some of the pain and swelling, next tx in 2 weeks.

 Thank You Arthritis Insight people, I left for a couple of years, seems like I'm back in good company.Oh and Juliahh , Santa will be back next year but maybe you only set out 2 cookies instead of 3


Santa, I'd love to see a picture of you. There is so much discrepancy about what you actually look like. Please post. love and hot chocalately hugs, JuliahRuss,

Now you know as well as I  do that those with your experience make the worst patients right?  But, what the heck are you doing scaring us?  I seem to remember someone yelling at me a long time ago in a chat about high BP and it wasn't as high as yours!!!
I am glad the remicade is helping.  What a lifesaver huh?  As for the other stuff... I am sure you will get it sorted out son.  Hope it is all something simple and easy to fix. 
PS...someone was asking me about you the other day! 
 Wayney, as you say health care people who try to treat themselves have fools for patients ! I did go back to the Remicade nurse the next day to Thank her for forcing me to do the right thing. It could'nt have been me "yelling at you" in chat , Santa does'nt yell

People in the medical field know just enough to be dangerous to themselves.

Take care and have all good test results.




 dyna , I am working towards disability at this time ? Hints ? I sent in the paperwork about 40 days ago . Received a function ability test ( written ) about a week ago and sent that in , did you also have that ? It was'nt in the 1st batch of paperwork. How long til you were approved ? Did you use a lawyer ?

 The OR huh ? All the ER and OR people I knew were a bit ...... shall we say different ? Or demented ? Both ?

 You know , that hot chocolate that the 18 y/o gave me DID TASTE FUNNY!! Yeah .....Thats it !!


I was on disability when I was first diagnosed.  I applied in November of 1999, and got my first check in May of 2000.  It included retro pay though, so that was nice. 

But as soon as the RA went into remission, I was taken off.  For some reason they figured that since the RA was no longer active, I was no longer disabled.  Go figure.



Santa, what did you do in the medical field? Do you do this type of work in the "off season"? I thought you spent all year getting ready for Christmas. Anyhow, I'd love to see pictures. Love, juliah

Hi Santa,

When I had my last drivers license renewal picture taken I looked like Mrs.Claus.

I am amazed how fast Cris got on disability. It took me a total of 2 1/2 yrs to get awarded permanent disability. And then it was by a judges decision that I met all the criterea. They made me fill out more forms regarding my education and then they turned me down the 1st time. Having an education I found out can work against you. They told me that they thought I could still find work of some kind. They didn't have any suggestions as to what kind of work.

After that I tried again. That time they said I had to go and  have an examination with the Dr of their choice. I went as directed and the Dr turned out to be a resident in Internal medicine (I asked) moonlighting on the side.  He said "anyone can do an orthopedic exam". I told him that I was having a sharp, stabbing pain in both my neck and shoulder and couldn't turn my head to the side. He decided it was a muscle spasm and I was just exaggerating. At the time I was using forearm crutches because of knee and feet pain and a balance problem. Both my Ortho and Rheu... had suggested this to help me keep mobile. He didn't think they were necessary. After he sent in his report I got the 2nd turndown. I really wasn't surprised. I had read his report to SS and I would have turned myself down.

I got even with him - my Orthopod was angry about the so called ortho exam and called the medical school and told them what he was doing and he got in trouble.

10 days after I saw the so-called Dr I had a 2 level ACF with plate & screws. My shoulder pain was a pinched nerve. This was the treatment for my muscle spasm.

The next step, I decided to talk to a lawyer. I would have to appear before a judge next. He read all of the information I had supplied to SS and told me that I had a good case. The only money outlay I had was for filing legal papers. The rest of the money he would get, would come after I had won my case. By the way, SS allows them 25% of the award and it is paid by SS to them, out of your award of course. The biggest help I received from the lawyer was he told my Rheu... all the details that she needed to include in a rebuttal of that idiot Dr they sent me to see. She really raked SS over the coals for that and then she included every single item that they look for in a medical report. About 2 months later, the lawyer called and said that I did not have to go to court. He had taken the report from my Rheu... and given it to the Judges assistant and the judge looked it over and signed it. And that was that. I received 4yrs back payment because the Judge changed the starting date for my being classified as disabled.Now q3yr I have to write up an update of my Dr visits and medical treatments. Next year I will be 65 so then I won't have to do those anymore. Yea!!!

I hope this helps and feel free to send me a personal message anytime.


Wow, Barb.  I feel extremely lucky.  SS truly bothers me.  When I was going through the process, they made me see a psychologist.  What that had to do with anything, I don't know.  When my case was reviewed, they sent me back to her.  Since the RA was in remission, and I wasn't depressed, SS said that I could return to work in my previous field... a car detailer!  Forget that the fibro was still active, and forget that I no longer had the strength that I once did.  The RA was in remission, and I was no longer disabled.  Yes, I hate SS.  I have a friend who's little girl has Down Syndrome.  When she applied for SS for her, they said that she would have to see one of their drs. to make sure that she actually had Down Syndrome.  And my friend had her little girl with her at the time she applied!!  What a joke.  Yeah, I do feel fortunate to have gotten it so quickly.



 Whoa , so much information !! I thank you guys SOO Much . I guess I should have checked back sooner ( or noticed we went to page # 2 )

Anyway Juliahh , I was a voluteer IEMT for 15 years. The I stands for intermediate and entitled me to start IVs administar 16 different meds in the field and also to do intubations for patient with problems breathing , operate a semi automatic defibulater . I had to " Retire " about 3 years ago because my hands don't work so well anymore . One of my last calls I was cut out of a rolled truck by the Jaws of Life , had a combative patient who was trying to rach a hand gun ( when he was concious ) and did'nt want to keep breathing for me. When we were finally cut out and the helicopter crew took over I felt like I needed to go to the hospital ! Took 3 days to physically get over that call ! I knew then that the party was over.

Until I can get something posted that is small enough that this site will accept ( after all Santa is Big Right ? ) you can see a few of my pics at a.msnw

dyna , If you went through all that, it sounds like I don't have a chance to get disability. I figured that having RA ( 21yrs ) and OSA ( 5 yrs )  and having too much pain ( RA ) and not enough sleep/grogginess ( OSA ) might be enough. Trust me , I am NOT making lite of your experiance or condition , I guess I just drinking more of that hot chocolate

At 44 years of age I'm too old to learn a new trade , and school , only if it offers naps and drugs ! If they want me to see a psychologist I'm sure I can dredge up enough stuff from car wrecks and shootings to get certified ( for something anyway ) or make them ill ! Thanks for the offer of personal message , I may just take you up on that

THANKS ALL for your help and concern ! I'll let ya know how my other tests come out . Keep Posting and I'll make sure you don't get coal in your stockings !

PS. What a great sleigh you have...  does this mean you're retired the reindeer?


 Reindeer are only able to fly on Christmas eve because of the magic and belief of Christmas , Therefore the cart comes before the reindeer . I hope that last part sounded like a pun ! The  first part is true though !

Thinking of you and wishing you well Santa.  Don't you worry about scaring us newbies, I enjoy reading your posts.  Not only are they informative, they are uplifting which means more than you know.  I for one am very glad you have come back and will be looking forward to more of your posts.  Peace & Love.....Neasy

By the way.....Cute dog Santa. 



So who are the cute doggy and the wonderful elf? Has Mrs. Claus seen that elf?


 Boy , I having such a bad day really want to vent scream , but I'll wait to go into my psycho stage at a later date.Hope every one else is having GOOD Days !!
