Daily Chat 2-12-09 | Arthritis Information


How is your morning going? What's on the agenda for today?

Me going good this morning. Knees still hurts, but hips are much better!
Nothing on the agenda for today. Well... I have things to do, but do not feel like doing them.
Hope everyone has a good day, and if your started out crappy... I hope your day improves.

My Morning has been nice and easy. My daughter is still off school after having her appendix out so she has helped me do the laundry and we have just taken the recycling bins to the centre. Im still hurting like mad but trying to work through it today as I found sitting around yesterday and not doing anything made me hurt more. We are just going to make a batch of doughnuts and then I am going to wash my floors and put a lemon and chilli chicken in the oven for dinner later...then im going to rest for a while..

I hope everyone elses day goes well

No one has puked in my house for 4 days now!  Woohoo!  I may actually be able to get to the office 4 whole days this week!   I had a bad night with a case of the worries. I got two bad emails from 2 teachers at work yesterday about my son. He is being defiant and disrespectful- typical teenage stuff but unacceptable. I have to go to a meeting with him present next week. The teacher won't even tell me what happened in class yesterday. She said she wants him to tell me and he told her he just won't tell me the truth. I called him on it and he says she's insane. She doesn't get that he's just kidding around with her. I told him adults don't like that kind of humor and we'll just see if the story sticks when we all sit down together.
He is also supposed to get his license soon and he is not paying attention during driving. I am getting nervous. We are getting him tested tomorrow for ADHD based on him asking. Teacher's have never suggested this all through school- but he has always been labeled as being too social.
Anyway I'm a bag of nerves today and the prednisone increase and tramadol have not done anything significant. Only my shoulders seem a little better and you know how it is- maybe they just feel like laying off for awhile.
Hope everyone else is having a better day!
Snow- your cat and my dog would make a good pair...My dog snores so bad , at night time when we go to bed its takes ages for anyone to fall asleep as even though the dogs sleep in the kitchen, the noise travels up the stairs.
Jas- I am so glad you are Puke free..lol...Our house is getting back to normal now and keeping fingers x that it stays that way
WTBRAF....I am really sorry you are having school problems with your son, if your son has asked to be tested then its probably a good idea , its shows that hes not comfortable with his behaviour either and thats a good sign from him.
I had trouble with my daughters school and at the moment we are waiting for a decision from the school board. My daughter who has had the appendix out recieved a distressing phone call from a friend, a girl in her Health and social class asked the teacher when my daughter would be coming back to school, the teacher replied that my daughter is off with severe depression and is a bit of a "NUT JOB" and wont be returning...??? how do we go from appendix to having a mental illness...the teacher admitted she did say it as a joke but the kids in the class said no one was laughing!! So we shall see what happens.
 huge huge cold rainy/sleety winds blowing here. I am still in jammies and robe.
 I've had a couple of bad fatigue days today and yesterday.
Luckily there isnt that much that needs to be done around here today. laundry is all caught up, I enjoy doing dishes because it makes my hands feel better.
I watched a Land before Time video with Jakie earlier and right now he is actually playing by himself. whoo hoo. He is having a hard time lately playing by himself. hes like the velcro preschooler these days.  Oh and his surgery went very well and he snapped right back to  playing within a day.
My big plan for the day is to clean the study. Somehow we lost the remote for the dvd player and cant access any of the special features on any dvd's.
Mark teaches a night course at the state U tonight so its just me and the kids for supper.. Honey Nut Cheerios, anyone?
It's going to be a long, sad couple of days for us here.  My father-in-law died on Tuesday, so today will be two different visitation times and tomorrow will be the funeral.  I'm so sore right now I just hope I get through it all ok.  I've never been one to cry, but lately with menopausal crap going on, I've been crying just listening to music or trying to write a speech for my daughter's wedding that's coming up in May.  I know that it's ok to cry, but I just hate to.
It's so windy here...been windy all night actually...and rainy.  Of course since I'm having a good hair day, that'll be taken care of as soon as I get out of the car today.
I sure hope my feet last in my shoes today.  It's so hard for me to find comfortable shoes that look nice.  Gonna have to just go for comfort soon I guess...just can't do it yet.
Have a nice day everyone!
Thanks, SOKelly. Im so sorry to hear of your loss, my thoughts are with you. I sympathise with the crying thing, i have eyes like broken taps lately, if its called menopause then why dont they give it to the men!!!!!!!!!! Sorry as well that you are hurting...Take care of yourself over the next few days, and have a good cry if you need to.Kelstev,
I'm sorry for your loss.  Please remember to take care of yourself through all this.
As for my morning I have been busy planning a large event that will take place in June.  We are celebrating a State Scenic By-Way that I have been working on for a couple of years and we recently got the designation.  So far the guest list is over 200 people to include State and Federal officials.  Later today I'm going to a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new museum in town. 
Tonight - I am going to my cake decorating class.  Thank God my RA is in my feet, knees and hips and not in my hands.  My hands are still functioning. 
I hope everyone has a great day and you are not in pain...Hiking_gal
Hey all,

Kelstev, I am so sorry for your loss.  You be sure you take care during such a trying time and you might want to rethink those shoes!  Comfort is my vote.  At least hide the comfort pair where they are accessible!

Wannabe, don't let anyone pigeon-hole your kiddo.  He may just be doing the teen-hormone, rage thing.  He has to be accountable and it is obvious you are seeing to that, but I suspect he is just being a boy.  My oldest son had a high school art teacher that I had to meet with at least once a week to review his "disturbing drawings".  The more we meet, the more drawings he did.  Now he has his MFA! LOL!

Hiking_gal, you go girl!!! 

Kelly- I'm sorry for your loss too.

Thanks to all for the encouraging words about my son and for sharing your kid's teacher nightmares!

Now my daughter who is a teacher has a mom wanting to have a meeting with her because she sent her son to the Vice Principal's office -so the shoe is on the other foot LOL!

Sno- thanks for the reminder that Spring is just around the corner! That always puts me in a better place. I miss hearing the birds sing.
hey all!  thanks for the updates on everyone.
Kelly.. I am so sorry for your loss... Your FIL is in my thoughts..
kathy_in_wlsv...  stay in those snuggly jammies and enjoy  I've always loved the Land Before Time videos.... cutest little dinosaurs  LOL.
*cheers* to no puking, Jas!!
wantto..  I agree w/ who said, don't let the school or anyone put a label on your son...  I hope the meeting next week goes fine...
Pinnie!! That teacher is  a nutjob!!  Those are offensive words!  I would be most upset!!
babs102009-02-12 12:48:39Kelly, I am so sorry for your loss. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Wanttobe, Things will straighten out with your son eventually. I just don't understand why the teacher must make things such a mystery! Take care, Sweetie.
Joonie, I remember the other pics of your knees. It's strange that it happens every Feb/Mar. I hope you feel better soon.
Hugs to you all,
Nini, so nice to see you on here!  Please tell us how you are doing. 

Huggin ya
I am also sorry to hear of your loss.  Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.  My FIL died last summer it was an awfully painful time emotionally, so if I can give you any advice for the next couple of days it would be to wear the comfortable shoes. 

NINI...How are you?

We have just had a dumping of snow...no weather warning, the met office said sun this after noon and rain this evening.....oh there goes my hope that spring was on its way.... My daughter missed our last snow fall due to being in hospital so we just went into the garden tonight to build a snowman...lol...the snow is so good for my RA  Makes me feel better...it might be why i have been so sore the last few days if this weather front was on its way..Im hopefull that I will be better now..Off to bed now as its 11pm here, have a nice evening to you all.

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