ESD vs. CRP and eye drops | Arthritis Information


Ugh, I am trying to get it together today.  It was a good day until I spent 30 minutes scheduling doctors appointments and talking to pharmacies.  I need to perk up.

I got totally distracted from work by my lab results that were posted today.
Here is how my ESD has gone:
1/2008: 56
7/2008: 35
1/2009: 25
BUT here is how my CRP has gone:
1/2008: 5.6
12/2008: 9.8
1/2009: 10.8
What? Oh well.  I don't get it.  Does anyone else have an educated opinion about this and/or want to guess?  I am still trying to get my Humira filled.  I am still trying to get RD to fax prescription to the right pharmacy (has to be specialty).  I don't want to do it but I need to get started.  I want to do it on the weekend, but V day is the 14th, my son's birthday party the 15th, then my birthday is the 21st and we are going to Atlanta, so I don't want to do it then.  Weekday I guess. 
Also: went to the eye doctor this morning.  I could have sworn that I had eye pressure, optic nerve issues, or something.  Iritis, I don't know.  I have been trouble focusing, my eyes hurt, etc. 
Well it's all just dry eye.  At my last appt my doc said I could use tears as I needed, that my eyes were really dry.  Well even dryer this time.  (I am negative for the Sjogrens antibodies, along with every other antibody useful to making a definitive diagnosis).  So he basically told me I need to use drops twice a day for the rest of my life.  yay. 
First I have to learn how to put drops in my eyes.  Any suggestions?  I want my eyes to look brighter and stop hurting.  He said they look good otherwise, I don't need a new prescription, but since my jaw has swollen my glasses hurt my head so I need to go get different ones.  Or at least that is my justification for new frames.  They do hurt, and I do realize they could just adjust the frames I have. 
That's all, just needed to vent.  Somehow I need to get focused on work again.  Very draggy today and the high CRP just sort of freaks me out.  My heart was feeling all crazy on the Levoxyl.  And then there's all this stuff about Humira being bad for CHF.  I have no reason to think I have that, but now I'm like, hey, my legs are swollen...I known it's from the RA and Mobic.  I just need to stop worrying!
Oh Katie...vent away, that's why we are here.  I know if I told you I commiserate with you it wouldn't take it all away, but, it sure is nice having a place to go where people can relate to how you're feeling. 
Take care, take a deep breath and know that tomorrow will be a better day!  Hiking_gal
I brace one finger against the bridge of my nose -- that pretty much seems to center the eyedropper.

I think sed rates are highly over-rated -- and the CRP is more reflective of inflammation.

Hope this helps explain:

Is there anything else I should know?
ESR and C-reactive protein (CRP) are both markers of inflammation. Generally, ESR does not change as rapidly as does CRP, either at the start of inflammation or as it goes away. CRP is not affected by as many other factors as is ESR, making it a better marker of inflammation. However, because ESR is an easily performed test, many doctors still use ESR as an initial test when they think a patient has inflammation.

If the ESR is elevated, it is typically a result of globulins or fibrinogens. Your doctor may then order a fibrinogen level (a clotting protein that is another marker of inflammation) and a serum protein electrophoresis to determine which of these (or both) is causing the elevated ESR.

Females tend to have higher ESR, and menstruation and pregnancy can cause temporary elevations.

In a pediatric setting, the ESR test is used for the diagnosis and monitoring of children with rheumatoid arthritis or Kawasaki’s Disease.

Drugs such as dextran, methyldopa (Aldomet), oral contraceptives, penicillamine procainamide, theophylline, and vitamin A can increase ESR, while aspirin, cortisone, and quinine may decrease it.

whoa.. that there is a lot of information, wantto!!  Way to go!
KatieG... I am sorry you're having such issues... I commiserate w/ the eye.. and the other discomforts...
Do you were glasses?  You may wish to get a pair for the car to protect your eyes from sun and from the defrost heat which will dry them out....   Drops twice a day isn't terrible... put them beside your bed.. drop when you wake.. (it will feel SO good) and then before you close them at night.. I have lots of other little 'gimmicks' I do for my eyes and protection.
Katie, try not to worry too much about the Humira.  I feel a little wiped the day after an injection, but not as wiped as I do with a flare.  I know the drugs are scary, but the consequences of the disease are scary too.  I feel like if I stay on top of things, labs, any symptoms of side effects and the like, then I will be okay.  This disease is a load of work, that is for sure!
Babs, good info on the eye stuff.   Thanks for all the info and input!
I just need to get my nerves up for the first injection, and then try to keep my children and house a bit cleaner :) We have a couple who clean our house once a week, and they are our salvation sometimes.  I consider myself "green" but with two kids, sometimes it's just like "cover everything in whatever bleach and scented chemicals that will make this place less gross" :) I gave my almost 2 year old a frozen apple juice pop for his cold and now our whole house, my phone, my watch, is covered in sticky apple juice residue...
I have *never* successfully given myself an eyedrop.  I just need to keep doing it until I can "control" my blinks, as the doctor said.  We'll see...maybe once I get that down, I could consider contacts...
Yeah, Idk about the contacts... I use to wear them but with the eye problems and the risk of infection... yeah, Idk....  Maybe someone who is on here wears them could tell me how that goes?

thanks waddie.
I was thinking about the first times I gave myself drops for Sjogrens.. the first weekend, I had my DH do it for me.....  then, I would "practice"  If I didn't get it in the first try.. I would try that eye again.. I rest myleft  hand on my right cheekbone holding down the bottom of my lower lid... then I rest my right hand on the other hand and drop in... I steady myself that way..  and do vice versa for the other eye.
another thing.. did your Dr give you drops?  cause some drops have preservatives that can actually dry out your eyes..I uses SystaneUltra that was recommended by someone here.. You can get a bottle of it.. or little individual portions... the bottle is cheaper......
Good luck!!
I find that if I look toward my nose and up when I put the drops in, it helps.  Like Babs says, "practice".  My dh could wear his contacts because he was so rotten at the putting in and taking out and drops in thing.   I went to the drugstore and I was so overwhelmed by all the choices...
I got drops by Rugby that are 1.5% Polyvinyl alcohol, and a nighttime ointmnet that is 15% mineral oil and 85% whie petrolatum
Just make sure they do not have preservatives in them and you should be alright. Good luck with the Humera. Maybe it will take the swelling out of your jaw and your glasses will fit better.