drug interactions | Arthritis Information


My doctor put me on a low dose of predisone but my eyes are really bothering me. I have graves disease and I think this is making my graves worse. any ideas? Also what is moon face?I don't know about the eyes but moon face is when your face takes on a very rounded, puffy look from being on high doses of prednisone.thanks

I would call my pharmacist and check w/ him/her.......  they are better wen it comes to knowledge of what works together and what doesn't.

what bothers you about your eyes.... vision?  dry?  itchy?

they are always dry so i use prescription drops, my eyelids and below my eye there is a constant redness and they generally just hurt definitely when i wake up. i am on humira, methotrexate, predisone, celebrex, folic acid, synthroid, zoloft and darvocet when needed.

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