Rhuematologis VS Surgeon | Arthritis Information


 Need some advice...

Surgeon told me to stop ALL my meds 1 week prior to my back surgery. (looked at my list) I saw my RA dr. , he said some surgeons aren't all up to speed on NSAIDS, that if I were taking Aspirin yes I would need to stop 14 days in advance, but it was ok to keep taking Celebrex and Plaquenil, that they work differently. He said to just tell them yes I stopped when they ask.
Anyone know anthing about this? Should I call my Surgeon and tell him I'm not stopping my meds and to talk to my RA dr. if he'd like?
I am having surgery on Wed.  I was told to stop mtx the week before, during, and after.  Other meds I am to take normally.Klynn, I had to stop MTX and my biologic (enbrel at the time) before and until my wound healed.  Idk about NSAIDS.  I know if they are concerned about clotting, they will do a clotting factor prior to surgery.  What type of surgery are you having, if you don't mind my asking? Thanks for the info Rocckyd and Waddie!
I have a herniated disk they're removing.
I  had a very difficult spine surgery in Dec. I was told to stop NSAIDS, aspirin, and any blood thinners. After surgery I asked my surgeon about going back on the NSAID that I take, which is Mobic (meloxicam). He said not to go back on it until he says it's okay. The reason is that bones do not fuse properly if you are on NSAIDS. (By the way, the same is true for cigarette smokers). I haven't spoken to my rheumatologist yet, about stopping the Mobic, but I'm sure she will agree, and have no problem with it. She can always call my surgeon, if she has any questions, but she is pretty knowledgable about meds and surgery.
I would absolutely let the surgeon know what the rheumatologist said. It's too risky to go into surgery with them not knowing what you are taking. And, yes, I would tell him to talk to the rheumy, if he wants to.
Best wishes on your surgery. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Hugs, Nini
Good advice Nini!  It shouldn't be so hard to get them together (docs) but sometimes...

Klynn, good luck with your surgery, positive thoughts are coming your way!  When is it scheduled?

Please keep us up when you are able!

Thanks guys, it's schedule for the 18th. I think I will call my surgeon and let him know.I spoke with my surgeon's office. They said they are up to speed on all the anti inflammatory drugs...Basically said it's the surgeons orders to stop it , if I want my surgery I have to stop it and my RA dr. should figure out what to give me in the mean time. OH my gosh, how does a person stop taking what's gotten them feeling back to normal ...I HOPE i dont start to flare before my surgery, that would be LOTS of fun.  My RA dr. did say  , just dont tell them. UGH!

I've had 3 surgeries in the last 18 months and for all 3 I was told by my RD to stop dmards, biologic and NSAIDs 2 weeks prior to surgeries and not to restart until 2 weeks after surgeries.  NSAIDs interfere with clotting factor and should be stopped prior to surgery.  Best to talk with your doctors again, research and ask questions about the NSAIDS.  Hope recovery is quick for you.  Take care.  Lindy

[QUOTE=klynn141]I spoke with my surgeon's office. They said they are up to speed on all the anti inflammatory drugs...Basically said it's the surgeons orders to stop it , if I want my surgery I have to stop it and my RA dr. should figure out what to give me in the mean time. OH my gosh, how does a person stop taking what's gotten them feeling back to normal ...I HOPE i dont start to flare before my surgery, that would be LOTS of fun.  My RA dr. did say  , just dont tell them. UGH! [/QUOTE]

You'll be fine without Plaquenil for a week.  As for the celebrex, see what the rheumatologist says - perhaps some tramadol, vicodin, etc for this week in case you have moderate-severe pain?

I think it's a very bad idea to "just not tell them."  During and after surgery you will be receiving lots of drugs to keep you asleep, wake you up, keep you alive... and that's assuming there are no complications.  If complications arise, they'll be using even more drugs.  Some of these may interact with the Plaqnenil and/or Celebrex, in addition to the possibility of bleeding problems with NSAIDs (it can happen with all of them, not just aspirin).  In addition to possible delays in healing, bleeding problems, and interactions, NSAIDs are hard on the kidneys, as is surgery and many of the drugs used in anesthesia.

Honestly, it's just not worth the risk.


You are right. I'll just stop them. I do have a prescription for Vicoden for this week if I start to feel bad. I think I will grin and bear it! Thanks for the advice!


Good luck on your surgery.  Personally (and this is only MY opinion), I would dump that rheumie.  It is very, very dangerous to omit medications one is taking before a surgery.  I'm glad you were honest with your surgeon.  To have your rheumie "suggest" you be less than honest makes me think he doesn't have your best interest at heart.  I would RUN very fast and very far.  Good luck!

Phats, you're so right.  I went back and reread the initial post, somehow missed that part about not telling the surgeon.......so dangerous.  That's setting you up for complications and no he doesn't have your best interests at heart. 

The only time I had problems with a flare was when I had my knee replaced.  I was off meds for 2 weeks before and after surgery  and then spent up to 6 hours a day flat on my back strapped into the CPM exercising my leg.  Because of laying for all of those hours for 2 weeks I had a flare.  I had pain meds and was soon able to restart all my meds.  Lindy
Kelly- I read this after I asked you what kind of surgery you would be having on another thread. I guess I never knew in the first place- I was blaming brain fog! I wish you all the best!
What time is your surgery? I like to say a prayer for the surgeons and friends going in to surgery right before.

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